Hi friends. How are you? I am doing ok. Still recovering from surgery from a month ago but hanging in there and prepping for a new surgery next week. But I can honestly say that God is good, and I am getting through this a little each day.
So enjoy this design on the fly. I struggle with this one and restart, but eventually, I come up with a pattern that seems to work. The beads from @potomacbeadsco are beautiful and so fun to play with.
If you have a chance, check out the #igmakersale starting tomorrow. Myself, Mt Nittany Creations, and 8 other shops are selling together this weekend via Instagram. Follow the hashtag #igmakersalemay24
Also, don't forget to join Tricia and me on Friday on our YouTube channels for another #beadalongwithfriends
Take care and blessings.