To all you parents out there this one is for you...

Toy Packaging By Sara Groves.
I heard this on the radio last night and just had to is sooo true...
Nothing makes me lose my cool like
Toy packaging
Ask the kids to leave the room for
Toy packaging
I have no choice the money's spent
I've worked for hours to make a dent
I guess it's anger management
Toy packaging

Nothing makes me lose my cool like
Toy packaging
Ask the kids please leave the room it's time for
Toy packaging
I'm drawing up a battle plan
to extricate this robot man
My self-esteem is in the can
Toy packaging

In the old days you could hold a box and shake it
And hear the pieces rattling around
My eyes tear up with these grommets, tape and twisty ties
Remembering their beautiful sound

Toy Packaging
I love Toy Packaging
(Mom! Honey!)

Nothing makes me lose my cool like toy packaging
Kids you really need to leave the room, mom's opening toy packaging
I'm sorry you have to see this sight
You must be brave, no please don't cry
I promise it will be alright
I hope to have it by tonight
Nevermind this dynamite
Toy packaging

If you want to hear it go to this site and you can get a free download...

more christmas fun

Snow angel...
Having fun out in the snow...
All bundled up
Listening to the story Polar Express being read. Then we took a trolley ride to go and see Santa, this is a free activity offered by the library..
Seeing Santa...Jael was not too happy, they got a coin to buy a toy at the work shop and were able to decorate their picture it was fun this was all part of the library activity....

Christmas activities!!!

Well we made this beautiful gingerbread house...we stored it in our oven and well I forgot it was there so here is the after effects of turning on the oven and forgetting, still tastes good just not as pretty, lesson learned...hopefully not forgot...
Here is what it did look like when we had finished it prior....
After picture
The girls climbing on Daddy when he got home from work!!!
Making gingerbread cookies....
Hanging with their friends watching a movie and having a snack...

Public service announcement

I took this from my friend in Italy told me about this
please check it out.

Our girls and what they will be in the future!

There is nothing to say that we know what our girls will do when they grow up, our hope and prayer is that they will serve the Lord in whatever they do. But maybe we have a glimpse...Jael went to the dentist today because one of her teeth was looking funny well all is fine the short end of it is she has a bruised tooth from a fall but the dentist borrowed her while I finished up paper work and she went and helped him count the teeth on other children in the room (it is a huge room with all of these chairs to help move through patients I guess) but she had fun and got to bring home a little mirror, hmm maybe there is a future in this
On Ema's account the thing she talks about right now is being an astronaut, both Jeff and I had those childhood dreams... we encourage her to just work hard and if the Lord wills she can do that...
SO fun....

New baby

Hi All I am finally getting around to uploading photos of the new little one in the womb....The first one was taken at 8weeks and the second was only taken two weeks ago at 20 weeks...they are really hard to see but enjoy....we are more then half way there!!!


Hi all
Hope this finds you well..
Ema was working on some "school pages" this week and her task was to color some animals and a barn and then cut them out to make little paper farm to play with.
She altered two of the animals which I thought was pretty funny.
One was a cow she put spikes on the back and said she made it into a dinosaur and then a hen she put extra feathers on and said it was a turkey...just one of those funny but sweet moments you want to share with others...
Jael on the other hand is speaking a lot more the other morning she came out and said to me clear as day Hi Mommy...
she signs a lot more too for all the words she can't pronounce yet, it is fun to be able to understand her better.
Ema keeps asking when we put the presents under the tree and when do we open them...
Hope your week was enjoyable...

new godson!!!!!

We praise the Lord for the arrival of our new godson!!!
Here he is Chase...
He was born yesterday in the philly area at 10:30 am!!!!

Decorating for Christmas

We have started a tradition in our home of decorating the weekend right after here are some fun pictures from that time enjoy...
Oh yeah I am at five months now...look at that bella...we had the ultra sound right before thanksgiving and all is well I will try and scan the photo in soon...

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.