not able to continue on with the blog

Dear friends and family
As much as I have enjoyed blogging I am not able to keep up with it.
I will be trying to keep up with my shutterfly and facebook.
please let me know if you are not connected to me in those areas and I will try and connect you
thanks for understanding.
All the best

Jethro's dedication

End of soccer season game...

The girls had a blast playing soccer this fall here are some photos of their one game they got to play
a little cold but they had fun...

Flat buddies, playing in the leaves, and celebrating Jael and Ms Jen's birthday.

Sorry I have been so behind in my blog. Here are some highlights from this fall.
We did flat buddies, we mailed them out but they didn't get far only one made it to one location as far as we know. Hopefully we will try again next year with better results.
Check out the link for Flat adventures a really neat site to keep track of your traveling friend.

Playing in the leaves with our friends...

Jael's 4th birthday we celebrated along with Ms. Jen for her birthday with our ministry team.

Design on the Fly with Potomac beads from their Treasure Edition Subscri...

Hi friends. How are you? I am doing ok. Still recovering from surgery from a month ago but hanging in there and prepping for a new surgery n...