Meet the Maker: Tanya Mortson from Tanya's Wood burning

Hi, friends! How are you? How was your week last week? We took a mini vacation at home with some of our friends from the ministry group we work with. We had a really nice time. Great to have a vacation but also to sleep in my own bed while doing it. What have you been up to? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment below or email me. Also are you a maker? Would you like a blog interview or a product review? Either comment below,email me or fill out our typeform and we can get you set up.

Without further ado, I am excited to introduce you to our Maker today, Tanya Mortson from Tanya's Woodburning.

Where are you from? I'm from Ontario, Canada
Where do you live now? Toronto
How long have you been crafting? 2 years

What drew you to wood burning or what inspired you? I began wood burning because I wanted to come up with a unique gift idea for my mom for Mother's Day. I remembered that as a child I received a wood burning kit as a gift, and I instantly bought some wood, a wood burning pen, and started right away!

Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it? I really need to come up with something clever. Every time I came up with a good pun it was already taken! I vow to change mine into something punny once Christmas rolls around as my new business cards have already come in the mail!

When did you start selling online? About a year ago-- but only through Instagram and Facebook private messages. I'd like to have an Etsy shop by Christmas.

And what drew you to sell online? At first, I had no idea how to reach out to people. It was far from Christmas so I didn't even think of setting up booths at craft shows until fall rolled around! Toronto actually has a Facebook group with over 60,000 users. It's called Bunz, and it's all about trading products you don't want anymore, but you MUST trade for something else. Money isn't allowed, but subway tokens and gift cards sure are, so that was my original version of selling online and it was a hit!

What hopes do you have for your business in the future? I'd really love to make it my full-time job and have an Etsy account. I'm not sure how I'll make that dream possible yet, but I'll get there!

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? I really love one what I've done pretty recently, it's a silhouette of a family of deer with a bunch of trees and mountains!

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? Find something that you find happiness and excitement doing-- perhaps it's something you saw on Pinterest, maybe it's a childhood craft you did long ago. It takes practice but eventually you'll become amazing at it. And if you don't, watch enough YouTube tutorials until you can call yourself a pro!

Thanks for sharing Tanya:
You can find Tanya online in the following locations:


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