Meet the Maker: Clea Georgiou

Hi, friends! How was your weekend? Ours was good. We celebrated our youngest 4th birthday with some of his school friends. What fun things did you do?
It's time for another meet the maker. If you are a maker who would like an interview or you know of a shop we should reach out to, leave a comment below or email me. I am so excited to introduce you to Clea Georgiou. I hope you enjoy our interview. Have a great week friends.

Where are you from? I'm from the UK.
Where do you live now? I live in London

How long have you been crafting? I have crafted ever since I can remember. I studied art and design all throughout school and college and have a graphic design degree. Absolutely love designing and making. That's cool.

What drew you to making designed handmade and bespoke goods or what inspired you? I almost feel like I can't help myself when it comes to designing and making, it's what I do as a job too. I work for a giftware company in London and in my spare time, I love to see what other creatives are up to and get so inspired by the amazing work out there. It's nice to be able to even slightly improve someones day by creating lovely things for people. That is great that you get to work in design and that you want to improve peoples day with your creations.

When did you start selling online? I started selling online a few years ago, but it is all still new to me. I haven't actually sold much.
And What drew you to sell online? I liked the buzz of someone buying something you have created and using it in their everyday life. It's amazing to be able to sell something you created. Although I have not sold much, I am not very good at promoting myself! I hope this blog interview will draw some business to your quaint shop. It is amazing to sell something you have created.

What hopes do you have for your business in the future? I hope to sell much more and create a lot more products. I am a bit of an all-rounder, I like everything so I will probably have a strange variety of products. I also love pompoms and neon so hopefully, I will make a lot more of these items! I want to also be able to sell my services for people to create bespoke products like stationery for any occasions or graphics for small businesses. This is great, I hope that some of these hopes come true for you.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? Not sure really I like a few of my surface pattern designs and illustrations, for example, these teal and pink baroque style motifs and also my pompoms and neon designs!Cool.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? I would say keep going. I always have days where I really hate everything I do and days where I feel like I am never going to have any success. You just have to keep going. I have a long long way to go yet, I don't think I've done enough of what I have dreamed about yet. This is true. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for joining us, Clea. It has been great to get to know you some.

You can find Clea online at the following locations:

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

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