Meet the Maker: Evelyn from Evelyn and Lewis

Hi, friends. How was your weekend? What did you do this weekend? If you have kids have they returned to school yet? We have started back to homeschool and my youngest goes back to preschool next week. Where has the summer gone?

Today, I want to introduce you to Evelyn from Evelyn and Lewis. She makes dog collars and jewelry.

Where are you from? The Netherlands but I was born in Chile.
Where do you live now? In Eindhoven, The Netherlands
How long have you been crafting? I have been crafting forever but have been crafting with paracord and leather for 3 years now. That's great.

What drew you to crafting with paracord or what inspired you? I always have been creative, went through 4 years of school for graphic design majoring in photography but I never went pro. So since I can remember I have been creating. What lead me to create things with paracord? Well, my first English Bulldog Lewis was such a big dog and I couldn't find anything that suited his goofy English bulldog personality, only serious studded, heavy leather items. I bumped into someone who made bracelets out of paracord and I thought that would be a nice dog collar. I did my research and found out there are a few great knotters out there and followed them. I created throughout the years my own style and own braiding. That is a fun story of how you were lead to using paracord.

Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it? Looking for a good business name is so hard. I didn't want to use my own last name because it's hard for people to remember and decided that the reason I started was actually Lewis and I added his name. Simple and direct. :)This is sweet.

When did you start selling online? I opened my Etsy shop this March (2017) and opened my Facebook and Instagram page last November (2016)

And What drew you to sell online? To reach more people besides my inner circle and beyond The Netherlands.That's great.

What hopes do you have for your business in the future? To grow bigger slowly and to one day open a physical shop with the dog gear, from collars and leashes to bowls, clothing for dogs and humans and other fun things.What a fun dream.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? My first dog collar with my own braiding I that designed and didn't exist until then. How fun that you created your own design that hadn't existed yet. Very exciting.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? I'm just starting so I don't know if I am the one you should take advice from but what I am holding on to is that I create my items with my heart and if it doesn't feel good, I don't do it. Whether it's business wise or on a specific order or even on a picture. My intuition tells me what feels good.
Join handmade seller groups and forums, you get so much great advice from your fellow crafters.

It takes a lot of time and things do not come flying to you, you have to work for it to make it a success and it doesn't come overnight. So don't give up too quickly.
Someone told me in the beginning that I should design what the people want, but if " the" people don't know what they want how do they know they want it? So I create what I believe is beautiful and listen to my customers what their wishes/ideas are and hope that people love it too. So far so good. :) This is great advice thanks for sharing. We can all learn from each other no matter how long we have been doing this work. Keep encouraging others to persevere. It's hard but rewarding.

So great to get to know you better Evelyn. If you would like to find Evelyn and her fun collars on line check her out at the following locations.

Etsy dog gear:
Etsy bracelets:

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