Time with the Bontyus famiy

Eating lunch

Aunti Mariandi's Dad and Dmitri and Theoden

Aunti Mariandi, the girls and Mariandi's mom....
It was great to see Mariandi's parents and catch up with them and see their new house. The following week Mariandi gave birth to a new little girl.....

Time with the Christen's and meeting our new godson Chase

Opening gifts with Uncle Scott and Cameron

Holding Chase

Ema holding Chase

Christmas Day Scott's and Norris'

Sister's Sister's....

Ema's "Best cousin Benjamin" quoted from her as she was telling her friend Lydia about him....

The adult kids got to do a scavenger hunt for one of our gifts, it is Scott family "TRADITION..." (appropriate time to bust out in song from Fiddler on the roof h ha ha ha ) anyhow it is tradition that some one gets to go on a hunt for a gift with various clues, this year it was Jeff and I and his sister and her husband....

unwrapping gifts I guess....

Christmas Eve with Granpy and Gramy

We spent Christmas eve with my parents. It was nice we opened gifts and had a nice dinner. Then went to their church with them for the Family Christmas Eve service. Which was filled with a lot of talented kids performing...
Us by their tree

Granpy and Gramy and the girls

Opening gifts.

Kids u with the Sowden's

Over Christmas it was fun to get to see so many friends and family. One day we got to go to this cool kids place in the Philly area with our friends Greg and Jennifer and their two kids, since this time they just had there third child, Andre he is so sweet can't wait to meet him.
Anyhow our kids had a blast with theirs as they are all very close in age.
It is like this big indoor jungle gym, that has gyn classes and cooking classes. It is funny because it is tucked away in this buisness complex you would never know it was there. But we had a blast Thanks Greg and Jennifer great to spend time with you....

As you can see Jennifer is still pregnant. That is her husband jumping in on our belly shot photo...

Ema and Jael had a blast on this see saw pea pod....

Cameron opening his birthday gift from us....


Time with friends from Italy

It truly was a blessing this Christmas season that my friend Celita from high school came back to the states with her beautiful family. We had the chance to spend an evening meeting her husband and kids and catching up. It was really great to see them enjoy the photos...

fun times

Hanging out at Fun Unleashed....
So there is this big climbing gym thing in our town and so as one of our Christmas activities Jeff and I took the girls there. Jael still needs help getting through but boy Ema just flies through now....

Breakfast with Santa and our neighbors at the Corner Room in downtown SC then we headed to a movie at the new refurbished old State Theater, free cartoons, Warner Brothers. Quite fun this is the first time the girls have seen a movie in the theater....brought back childhood memories for us seeing bugs up on the big screen...

The one morning I looked outside and the mountain looked so pretty I just had to take a picture...yes this is the view from our back door, quite nice...

Christmas at our house

Our Christmas dinner and celebrating Jesus' birth!

The girls love doing funny faces!

Opening our stockings...

And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.....

coming into our tree and gifts

The best was how excited they were to see their new doll house...that was next to the tree...
We are thankful for such a blessed time. We celebrated at our house the weekend before and then headed to Philly to see friends and family over the holiday.
More pics to come....

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.