If I had a Hundred...

The girls answered some fun questions for our hundred day celebration...here are their answers.

1. If I had 100 dollars I would...
buy a fancy dress. E and J
2. If I had 100 pencils, I would...
Ema: write I hope you had a good time at my birthday.
Jael: draw 100 hands
3. I f I had 100 mosquito bites, I would
E and J: cry!
4. If I had 100 friends, I would...
E and J: Play with them
5 If I had 100 legs, I would
E and J: swim in the ocean like an octopus, like Henry the octopus.
6. If I had 100 eyes, I would...
Ema: look around with all of them.
Jael: look outside

these last two each of the girls choose what the 100 things were..
Ema's question: If I had 100 lizards, I would scratch them.
Jael: put them outside.

Jael's question: If I had 100 butterflies, I would put them outside.
Ema: put them in a cage.

too cute and a lot of fun to talk about with them...

100 days of school

We recently celebrated 100 days of School!!!
 Jethro playing while we do school
Jael coloring our counting by 5 hands
The girls made 100 glasses....
Ema coloring her hands and our wall of counting by 5's up to 100...
We had a great time. We named one hundred Bible characters. Counted by 5's to 100, made necklaces out of 100 cheerios, graphed 100 jelly beans and we also sang songs and poems about 100 days of school. It took more then one day to finish it all but we had a blast....summer here we come...

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.