Bead shopping!

Where do you like to shop for beads? What interesting finds have you found recently?

While visiting my in-laws a few weeks ago, I went on-line to hunt down any bead shops in their area and found this fun shop in Media called Blue Santa beads. We had fun taking in the rows and drawers of beads with the kids and my parents. Some great discoveries were made, especially in the wire department.
Our Blue Santa Bead store finds!

Shortly after exploring the Blue Santa shop, we went on vacation to Texas. Before arriving I did some research to find a bead shop in Austin, TX and discovered Sea Of Beads. This shop was nice and the kids had fun crawling under the table to make creations with pipe cleaners and beads. I also was able to do some tinkering with my sister-in-laws earrings I had made her for Christmas, so she could wear them. But alas we didn't find to many things to bring home with us. I was specifically looking for something Texan but nothing struck my fancy.

Do you look for bead shops when you travel? Tell me about your bead shop experiences.
Our Sea of Beads Finds!

Here I am tinkering with my Sister-in-laws earrings.
The earrings I had made my Sister-in-law.
My kids working on projects under a table at Sea of Beads!

Continuously learning!

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day I really wanted to make a piece of jewelry with a Celtic feel. So I spent time searching through Pinterest to come up with some ideas.
My first attempt failed. The wire I chose to use was too thin and broke when I hammered it out. But I really wanted to use the copper color. I didn't have a thicker gauge, so I persevered with what I had on hand. My second attempt was a success but I hope in the future to purchase a thicker gauge to make another attempt.
Attempt # 1 hammering did it in.

Attempt #2 I really like how it turned out, but it still feels too delicate.

Jeff, my dear husband, also joined me in creating that night and started on his new heart creation.
Currently he is thinking through what to add to the heart.
In a previous post I mentioned how for our anniversary Jeff created a heart for me. 
But he also tried a first attempt before he came up with the creation he gave me.

Here is his first attempt.

Here are two other creations that I have made as attempts for gifts for others, but wasn't completely satisfied with them.
I really like the copper wire but have not figured out which beads I like with it.

I liked how this one turned out but I just never went further with this pendant.

What have you been creating lately? What inspires you? I would love to see what others are creating, please share links in the comments.

Honing ones skills.

As I have mentioned in my last posting I love jewelry and I love making it. I share this love with my husband and children. So how does one improve on a skill? By continuing to learn and grow. In order to do this, I ventured onto YouTube this week with my daughter to watch some diy videos.
Our first video was about learning to create pendants with modpoge.  We look forward to giving this a try sometime soon.

Our second video had to do with wire wrapping. This video was interesting because the artist liked rap music so you listen to rap while you learn to wrap. 😊 Not sure if we will give this one a try yet.

In addition to wanting to grow in knowledge I have had a strong desire to make some hot pink earrings to go with the several hot pink necklaces I own. So when I was finally feeling well enough the last two days I began creating a herring bone hot pink earrings design. Enjoy!

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.