Bible journaling, modge podge and snitch necklace.

      How has your week been? What fun things have you been creating? This past week I started a Bible journaling challenge. This is a whole new world for me. There are so many avenues out there in how people do this and so many art mediums that they use. It is fun to look it all up on-line and revel in the beauty people have created with using scripture.
     Here are some of my creations. I haven't braved creating on the pages of my Bible but I found a journal that a friend gave me years ago, that has just been waiting for me to be creative in, and here was my chance.

Bible Journaling challenge Day 1

Bible Journaling Challenge Day 2
Bible Journaling Challenge Day 3

       Also my dear oldest daughter is hoping to sell some handmade penny pendant necklaces at Kids Fest this summer... So we were working on some in order to send in an entry form, and to make one for a friends party this past weekend. Thanks to my dear husband, who worked so hard to figure out how to make it all come together.  And thanks to this blog on giving us an idea on how to get this project moving forward.
The creative process!

      My other daughter and I also created a pendant for her friends birthday party this past weekend. It was a Harry Potter theme and so we found a tutorial on how to make a wire golden snitch. We took this design and modified it.
She did such a great job!

      What fun things have you created this week? Have you tried using Modge Podge Magic? How did that go for you? Have you ever heard of Bible journaling? Do you want to join me in the challenge? Check out Good old Days Farm God Loves You 30 days Bible Journaling Challenge.
Have a great week!

Fun finds and creations!

What have you been up to this week?
Have you made any fun new creations?
In between homeschooling and taking care of my brood of four...I get some chances to create.
The other week I had the opportunity to teach my 9 year old dd how to make a wire pendant. She did great, her creation is on the left. While showing her how I started the first part of an earring set for a gift.

My dd creation is on the left and the first part of an earring set I am making for a friend is on the right.
Over the last few weeks I have been working on another gift for a friends birthday using one of her favorite verses. What kinds of other media do you like to work in? 

Pen, ink and colored pencil drawing of Isaiah 26:3.
I also dug through the libraries website for some fun reading material about making jewelry and selling your crafts. Do you sell your crafts on line? What would be one piece of advice you would share with a newbie?

I also had the opportunity to finish up the earrings I had started with my dd.

The finished earrings for my friend.

Recently while visiting Austin, Tx we came upon some crafters during the sxsw festival and bought these fun necklaces. Check our their webpage Wicked Whatnots.

One necklace has a Harry Potter Quote and the other from Princess Bride.

What have you been working on this week?  What fun finds have you found?

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.