Christmas in July Crafting Challenge in 4 days!!!


Check out the Blog.

Check out the rules page.

Have you gotten your supplies yet?

Don't forget to sign up for our facebook group to share your creations with us.  Also when sharing on social media use #christmasinjulycraftchallenge2016

We are looking forward to seeing everyones creations.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Happy Christmas in July crafting!

One Week until 25 days of Christmas in July Craft Challenge.

Where has June gone? We are one week out from our crafting challenge and we are working hard to have everything ready for all of you.
Including, I have updated the supply list. Currently only the last two crafts has there been any changes.
Looking forward to taking this journey with all of you.
As some of you may know I have an invisible illness that can make life hard and crafting is one way I find joy in the midst of the hard days. So I hope that this challenge will give to all of you some of the joy I have found in creating it.
Happy Christmas in July Crafting!

Supply List

25 Days of Christmas in July Craft Challenge Supply List!

Hi Everyone!

We are eight days out from the beginning or our craft challenge.

Eileen Wenckus, our guest blogger (aka, my mom), Jeff (my husband) and I have been working hard on putting together and finding the crafts we will be doing. We have come up with the supplies list, see below.

On July 1st, we will post a calendar with all of the links. Each day, we will repost each challenge and the directions.

We are so excited to do this with all of you.

Happy Crafting!

Supply list!

  • Day 1
    • 10 sheets of scrapbooking or other colorful paper
    • 1 Frame or stretched canvas
  • Day 2
    • Six to eight pieces of leftover gift wrap, Christmas wrap or plain white copy paper
    • Scissors, stapler and a glue stick or tape.
  • Day 3, 8, 13, 18, 23
    • Paper and printer and/or crafts you haven’t finished or crafts you would like to make. Supplies you have previously bought or need to buy.
  • Day 4
    • Red deck of cards or blue deck of cards or both.
  • Day 5, 10, and 15
    • Access to
  • Day 6
    • Butterfly paper clips
    • Thin ribbon
    • Craft pearls
  • Day 7
    • One 4 - 5 ounce container of cinnamon
    • Applesauce (you’ll need ¾ - 1 cup)
    • White glue (optional) Elmer’s glue all is fine.
    • String or wire, wax paper and a drinking straw  
    • Cookie cutters
    • Rolling pin
  • Day 9 there are two possible crafts for this day
  • Day 11
    • Blank gift tags or print out from free template on line onto card stock paper
    • Washi tape or other decoration for tags
  • Day 12
    • Paper in two contrasting colors; red and white for example
    • Scissors
  • Day 14
    • Approximately 20 inches of ribbon – about 3 times the length of your wrist.
    • Pearls or beads.  12mm beads used in the tutorial
    • Stretch cord or stringing material
    • A needle
  • Day 16
    • Popsicle sticks
    • Another option to circut cutting is using stamps or stencils and paint.
    • Glue gun
    • Red, White and Green acrylic paints
    • 1″ foam paint brush
    • Small round pouncer foam brush
    • Jute twine
  • Day 17
    • Baking soda
    • Cornstarch
    • Water
    • Rolling pin, cookie cutters, decorative items you might have around (i.e. beads, stamps, etc.)
    • Ribbon and a straw.
  • Day 19
    • Glass accent marbles
    • Scrapbooking paper or Christmas wrapping paper, something with fun designs.
    • E-6000 Craft adhesive or other craft glue that works on multiple materials
    • ¾ inch magnets
  • Day 20
    • Old books you don’t mind cutting up or more fun craft/scrapbooking paper
  • Day 21
    • Pick your own Christmas craft. Links provided for inspiration.
  • Day 22
    • Your favorite color of yarn, a Christmas color or just colorful, I got mine at A.C. Moore in their studio samples bin for $1.
    • Scissors, cardboard, a pencil, glue stick and your favorite craft glue.
    • Template (link provided in the post)
  • Day 24
  • Day 25
    • Choose your own Christmas Craft.
    • One possible is some clothes pins
    • washi tape
    • and sharpies
    • Links will be provided for inspiration

14 days to Christmas in July craft Challenge

'Tis 14 days until the fun will begin
Ideas are a brewing,
We can't wait to start,
So gather your scissors, glue and spread the word...
Come one come all
So craft away, craft away...craft away all.

25 days of Christmas in July Crafting challenge!

Will you join me in 25 days of learning and crafting? We will make various kinds of crafts including jewelry, gifts, and we will be learning new skills from blogs and videos. Each day will involve a new challenge and hopefully we will walk away with some fun gifts for Christmas or other celebrations coming up. Please note that not all the challenges will have a Christmas theme.

Make sure you subscribe to my blog so you don't miss a day. Look for the supply list soon and for the first challenge starting July 1st. This challenge will run from July 1- Aug 5, extra days built in to complete the challenge, because life happens ;-).  

All those who participate in  the challenge will be entered in a drawing for a custom made piece of jewelry, by us. Each complete challenge will be an entry in the drawing. Please see the Rafflecopter Giveway at the bottom of this post. All 25 days of the challenge can be shared on the Facebook page as well as using #christmasinjulycraftchallenge2016 on social media.

And join our Facebook group at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Cuff bracelet and ring bearer pillows.

Recently, I borrowed several jewelry making books from the library. I really enjoyed flipping through the pages and soaking in all the beautiful pieces. I also was hunting to find out what new thing I would like to learn to make and create. I choose a bracelet from A Bounty of Bead and Wire Bracelets by Nathalie  Mornu. This was probably my favorite out of all the books that I borrowed. I chose to make my first cuff bracelet ever with the help of my dear husband. As I have mentioned in other posts, I live with an invisible chronic illness and part of it affects my hands, so this piece was a little more work then my hands could do. But I am really excited for Jeff's help and the end result.

Do you have limitations? Are there things that hold you back from being creative? How have you worked around those difficulties? God has blessed me with a husband who loves to work with his hands and to help out his wife. I feel so blessed.

Also this week, I had the joy of making ring bearer pillows for our friends wedding coming up in July. It is such a joy to bless others around me with handmade gifts. What do you enjoy doing?

The books that I borrowed from the library.

My new cuff bracelet!

The ring bearer pillows that I made for a friend.

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.