What's new with Mt Nittany Creations. Our handmade jewelry shop.

First Day of School!

Dear friends,
How are you? How was your summer? I can't believe how fast it has flown. The kids are back to school. We have two at a charter middle school, one in a special ed class in Kindergarten and I am homeschooling one at home. Needless to say, we are busy.  What is new with you? Are your kids back to school yet? Did you take any fun vacations? Leave a comment below I would love to hear from you.
For this Labor day weekend we are having a sale in our Etsy shop as well as in a special sale group on Facebook; Labor Day Celebration Event. Come to join us we have some really great deals. In our shop, we have 20% off a purchase of $15 or more and numerous different sales in the Facebook event. If you are either in our Facebook VIP group or on our newsletter you will receive extra discounts throughout the weekend. Hope to see you there.
J. Rose and Co Salon

Revived and Company

In addition to this great sale, we continue to sell our jewelry at Revived and Company in Clearfield, PA. Just today we set up shop in a Salon in town J. Rose and Company.  We would love it if you could come by and check it out. These places are really neat and we feel so honored to be a part of it.

I would love to get back into blogging about Makers and all that's happening in the Maker world. We will see as time goes on if I can balance the biz, homeschooling, and three kids in two different schools, helping the hubby with our ministry and ministering at church. Hope that this finds each of you well. Thanks for all of your support. If it wasn't for friends, family and all of you this wouldn't be possible.. thanks.

Pop Up Shop at Orchard Artworks Gallery in Bryn Athyn PA near Philly! Come join us!

Hi friends. How are you? Sorry that it has been so long since I posted. Life has been pretty full hanging with the family and trying to get ready for my Pop up Shop this weekend. If you are in the Philly area come on out and join us and check out all this gallery has to offer and see a lot of our new jewelry pieces.

 For more info check out their website: https://www.orchardartworks.org/
and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OrchardArtworks/

Hope to see you there!

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.