Hi Friends! How is your March going? I have no idea where ours has gone but I am excited about nicer weather. One fun thing that has been fun is we have been visiting a small local zoo called Reptileland near us on our days off. I am also excited to introduce you to our next maker. So without further ado let's "Meet the maker".
For this edition of Meet the Maker, we interviewed Rachel from Handmadeu.
Where are you from? and Where do you live now?

How long have you been crafting?
All my life.
Are there other types of crafting that you enjoy doing?
I haven’t met a craft I haven’t liked, maybe one I’m not so hot at but I like to try everything once! That is so fun.
What drew you to sewing or what inspired you?
Sewing was always a part of our family and I grew up with thinking you made things. Both grandmas and my mom always were sewing something from clothes, blankets, quilts, stuffed toys, etc. What a fun legacy.
Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it?
Handmade U was originally my creative retreat name, like Handmade University, and it’s just become an all-encompassing brand. Since I dabble in all kinds of crafts and art the common denominator is that it’s all Handmade and able to be taught to others. I am glad you've been able to encompass all your craftiness in one location.
When did you start selling online?
Maybe in 2012 or so?
What drew you to sell online?
Connecting to a larger audience is appealing, to find those people who are “your” people is fun to do online especially now. That's great that is fun for you.
Where do you sell online?
On my IG store page @handmadeu_shop and sometimes my Etsy (hopefully more often soon) “shopHandmadeu”
Do you sell in other venues and if so what are they?
At my retreats
What is your favorite venue for selling?
Do you have any giveaways or sales coming up or other exciting things that you would like to be shared in your post?
Always have things- HandmadeAndTrade new round, the HandmadeU Maker Box, hopefully, an upcoming The Maker U online magazine one day, and our HandmadeAndTrade online sale in April. Yes, you always do seem to have something going.
Do you do any other work? Outside job, blog... How does that fit into your production time?
Typically I’d do a retreat once or twice a year, the magazine hoping for twice a year, maybe once, I do help with a few odd things for my husband’s firm, and I’m a mom to a 19mo old. I “retired” from my career to focus on starting a family maybe 4 years ago. I have small slivers of “production time” now with a little one. That makes sense.
Do you do your creating alone or with a partner or family member?
Alone, tho my daughter Pippa Pearl is my inspiration for our new hair bow and planner clip bows. They are super adorable by the way.
Do you have a faith practice and how does this fit into your work?
We used to go to church every Sunday, now with COVID, we try to watch Mass each Sunday morning. I am so glad that they can offer it online.
What hopes do you have for your business in the future?
Continue to grow and inspire other Makers to follow the path that works for them and their families at any given stage in life. You truly are an inspiration friend. Thanks for all you do for the maker community.
What is your most favorite piece that you have made?
I love the flannel vintage children’s fabric quilt top I made and my mom long arm quilted. Mainly because that meant I had a daughter to give it to finally, and I love vintage fabrics and flannel and quilts! What a blessing in so many ways.
Do you give to charity from the proceeds of your pieces? If so which ones and is there a story behind why? What lead you to donate?
I offer items to Ashes for Aspen and their auctions, I saw their call for items and their story compelled me to help. I also offer items to friends causes that come up, a good friend’s son has T1Diabetes and I helped with items for her auction, etc. Thanks for giving back in these wonderful ways.
What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?
Don’t compare your business with anyone else’s. Everyone is at a different stage in life which has a big impact on what you’re able to do. Just keep moving forward and things will grow, might be slower than you’d like but keep at it! This is great advice, thanks for the reminder.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the blogosphere?
Share your stories, you never know when it’ll have an important impact on someone else that needs to hear it. This is so true. Thank you Rachel for joining us and sharing your story.
Stay tuned we hope to do a video interview with Rachel sometime in the near future. In the meantime you can find Rachel online at the following locations:
Website: http://www.handmadeu.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/handmadeuart
There is still time to join the next round of the #handmadeandtrade group that Rachel leads. Message her on Instagram for more information.
Thank you for joining us in our Meet the Maker series. Are you a maker who would like to be interviewed? Send me an email and we can make that happen. Until next time... get out there and be creative in any way you can, it's good for the soul.