Friday Bead along with Trish and Amber

Did you hear? Trish of Pink Poodle Jewelry Studio and I are going live weekly again!!! Last week we were live on her YouTube and this week we are live on mine. 

We hope that you will come out and bead along with us. 
You can find Trish at:

You can find Amber at:

Hope to see you there!

Latest Youtube video with my beads from Potomac Beads.

Check out my latest Design on the Fly video. In this video, I use Potomac Beads Treasure Box beads for January 2024. The earrings in the video will be available at Belle Mercantile in Bellefonte, PA in the coming weeks. Thanks. Make sure you follow me and like and subscribe to my channel. To purchase your own box feel free to click on this link 

Potomac Beads Treasure Box Unboxing January 2024

Hello Friends! Join me as I share with you my #TreasureEditionSubscriptionBox from @Potomacbeadco 

To purchase, you can use my affiliate link here:

Items in the video include 

January Treasure edition of their Best Bead Box.

Thanks for joining us today! 
Please like this video and subscribe to my channel!

You can find me online at: 
 / amberscott2522

To Purchase jewelry:
Bellemercantile in Bellefonte, PA

We are an affiliate with Potomac Beads Co 
By using our affiliate link you help make it possible for us to make videos here on YouTube, continue with my jewelry creations, and support me and my family. Thank you so much for your attention and participation. 
mention my name when you purchase. 

#beadhaul   #mtnittanycreations #DesigningBetterBeaders #BestBeadBox

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.