whoooa it has been awhile

Hi all
sorry that it has been so long. Life has been crazy... Jeff's mom got sick, then Jeff switched positions to working in the headquarters then Jael turned one, we came home for Christmas, I am having neck problems, we head to staff conference next week, Ema soon will be 3years old we will be married for Five years in February and Jeff will be 30. On a sad note. Jeff's grandmother passed away last night. All of this has happened since September when I last blogged or will be happening shortly.
Life does come at you fast. We do thank the Lord for a wonderful 2007. He carried us through and provided all we needed what more can we ask.
How are all of you?
We as a family are memorizing Psalm 23 a classic that most of you know. Well as we were working on the line "He sets a table before me in the pressence of my enemies." Ema recited it as ..."in the presence of my M and M's" May this new year bring joy and laughter to you and may you know how the Lord provides in all ways. Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Amber!! So sorry for your loss. May our loving and faithful God continue to fill your lives with His peace, comfort, joy, faith and hope... Strength for today, and hope for tomorrow..."
    from the Perillo famiy :-)


I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.