Not much can be said for all that has been happening in our lives. But pictures really say a lot.
We have so far in June gone to staff conference and are in the process of buying a house. The Lord is good. so Enjoy these pictures.
Love to all
Jael playing with Katie at Staff conf.

The girls playing with our friends kids. Dmitri and Theoden

Blowing bubbles with Dmitri

Eating lunch with our friends

Getting ready to move we have started taking things down off the walls.

Drawing on the chalk board

Going for a bike ride.

swimming at staff conference.

Walking hand in hand at staff conference.

Playing bowling at staff conference.

We had the student interns over for dinner.

Jael wearing the dress I had made for Ema a few years ago...they grow too fast.

getting ready for Jael's first bike ride.

Playing with bears on Ema's bed.

Our possible future house.

Cheezing it up.

The tomatoes are growing.

Student interns playing with the girls during our dinner.

We had a blast with the student interns.

Swimming swimming in the swimming pool...

Playing in Miss Holly's garden.

Our neighbor Miss Holly.

Playing with Ema's buddy Tavish.

A favorite past time reading with daddy...

It takes a lot sometimes to get Jael to smile for the camera...she can almost say cheese now so here she is cheesing it up.


Ahh we love to vaccum.

Our famous sand castle cake...

Dinner with Miss Megan...such fun.

Planting Ema's garden.

At the park with friends.

Really getting into coloring.

Ema is playing music for her fish Cinderella.

Playing nap time with Daddy.

Jael can now do the stairs and is wearing her tink gear...

Looking at the lady bug on Mommy's rose.

Mother's day photo op.

Really into coloring...look Jael is a lefty we think.

playing at the park..
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