Happy Thanksgiving. We had a great time with friends coming over.
Hope you all had a blessed day!!!

not much is new

Well I don't have any pics to upload...
we had a nice quiet weekend at home, the first one in over a month so that was nice...we had snow stick to the ground this week and well it is officially cold. The girls are well, playing coloring hanging out with friends. It was fun to watch the snow stick on Mon otherwise it has been a quiet week....

Jael is now TWO!!!

I can't believe our little girl is two. We have started to let her drink from a big girl cup at meals and she is doing a great job...

Here are the girls on Veteran's day coloring some pictures of vets...Jael loves her new markers she got...

On Jael's birthday we went to breakfast at the Waffle shop and they gave her a big muffin and sang to her it was fun, that afternoon Jeff and I went to our second of three weddings this fall it was lovely.

Here is her cake that Ema and I made and the girls decorated they had a blast pouring on the sprinkles...

Jael blowing out her candles....
We also earlier in the week took her to Baby's after we stood in the long lines at the poles, they too sang happy birthday to her and gave her a sunday with a candle...all in all it was a fun birthday for her, it was fun to watch her really open presents for the first time since she has been too young in the past. It took awhile but she had a blast.

Big Girl Bed

We had been debating when to move Jael to a toddler bed, well last week she had the stomach flu and we found it to be much easier to take care of her being in the bed instead of the crib...

Look at our big girl...
Growing too fast.

Our pumpkins

Here are the Dora and Diego pumpkins we carved...

Happy Halloween

I did it I made it in catching up with life on our blog...
Well last night was Halloween. It was an eventful day. We delivered Happy Fall cookies to our new neighbors. We also went to this indoor play gym that was having a free night for Halloween and had dinner there with my friend Elizabeth her kids and some of our friend Joani's kids. These were also the people we went trick or treating with. This was a new experience for me without Jeff. He has taken the girls in the past and I handed out candy and now we are in a new neighborhood.
Here are all the kids that Elizabeth and I took around.
We had a really nice time and I saw some familiar faces from playgroup in the neighborhood.

Ema was a butterfly and Jael a Penn State cheerleader.
They looked soo cute...Praise the Lord the weather was nice for us and they didn't have to be bundled.

Ema is really into Dora right now so Jeff and I carved Dora and her cousin Diego out of our pumpkins this year...

This was taken a couple days prior when we carved. Jeff was at a student conference for the weekend and sad not to be with the girls in their excitement and fun of trick or treating.

Here is Ema helping me make the cookies for the neighbors...it was a really great way to say hi and get to know them a little better.

Our first snow and around the house...

Me and my bella at 16 weeks...not much longer and we are half way where has the time gone?

The girls love to try and hide in the kitchen behind our microwave cart and next to the refrigerator. You know they are there but this is a fun daily little thing they do.

Well every year the week of Halloween it comes our first snow...the girls were so excited they talked about it all day. It didn't stay but it was pretty to watch.

Look at that excitement....

Even though Ema can't read there are certain books we have read so much she can recite them so now she sits and "reads" to Jael it is really sweet when I catch them just doing it...
Here they are reading Jael's favorite book...

wedding and weekend

This fall Jeff and I have been invited to 3 weddings...All are people that we work with in our ministry organization which is truly exciting and a blessing because it is a big family reunion at each wedding with all of our coworkers... In Mid october we attended our first of the three in Harrisburg and made a trip of the weekend visiting friends, family and had a few support appointments to boot.

The girls got to spend sometime with Jeff's folks while we were at the wedding. We had fun, I had the opportunity to be the coordinator for the wedding and Jeff played in the worship band...
After the wedding we celebrated mine and my Sister inlaws birthday's and saw friends and family. In the midst of all this we took the girls to Chocolate World...in leaving Ema said one of her favorite lines in which you know she enjoyed herself "Can we go there again sometime mommy?" I think she asked several times over the weekend.
Here we are celebrating birthday's and anniversaries.

Here I am with my sister in law Jen and Ema as we were sung Happy Birthday too...

Chocolate World in Hershey, PA

Family time

In town this fall they had a Fall Festival/Chili fest. So we had the pleasure of a very balmy day for State College and went. They had free amusement rides for the kids and some crafts. Then there were the chili booths and the thing the girls loved were the pony rides.

Here are Jeff and the girls leaving the fun house.

I helped Jael with her pony ride, she was nervous at first but once we got going she didn't even want my hand on her.

Here is cowgirl Ema....

I loved catching Jael just jammin on Daddy's drum...

Here are the girls sporting their hats from the field trip when Daddy got home from work one day. This is usually the most exciting and chaotic part of the day when Daddy gets home, you hear peals of laughter and excited screams echo through the house as they wait at the top of the stairs to give him a hug and a kiss...

park time

After Giant tour we headed to the park with my friend Karlyn and her kids. It was such a beautiful day, we had a picnic there and played.
Here is Ema rolling down this huge hill.
Love this face of Jael's

Field Trip #4

Our next field trip was to Giant Food Stores. It is the one located around the corner from us and that we shop at so everytime we go to the store Ema asks if we are taking another tour, it is cute.
But this was a fun one too. They got fun hats where at each stop they got a sticker to represent the food group we were talking about. They went inside a huge refridgerator, and freezer, the back of a delivery truck, ate all different foods, saw a lobster and were able to ring one thing at the register like a cashier.
The top pic is Ema ringing up her food.
Jael chowing on a slice of bread
The lobster.
Behind the scenes int he storage area
Looking at the food pyramid.

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.