Happy Halloween

I did it I made it in catching up with life on our blog...
Well last night was Halloween. It was an eventful day. We delivered Happy Fall cookies to our new neighbors. We also went to this indoor play gym that was having a free night for Halloween and had dinner there with my friend Elizabeth her kids and some of our friend Joani's kids. These were also the people we went trick or treating with. This was a new experience for me without Jeff. He has taken the girls in the past and I handed out candy and now we are in a new neighborhood.
Here are all the kids that Elizabeth and I took around.
We had a really nice time and I saw some familiar faces from playgroup in the neighborhood.

Ema was a butterfly and Jael a Penn State cheerleader.
They looked soo cute...Praise the Lord the weather was nice for us and they didn't have to be bundled.

Ema is really into Dora right now so Jeff and I carved Dora and her cousin Diego out of our pumpkins this year...

This was taken a couple days prior when we carved. Jeff was at a student conference for the weekend and sad not to be with the girls in their excitement and fun of trick or treating.

Here is Ema helping me make the cookies for the neighbors...it was a really great way to say hi and get to know them a little better.

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.