Homeschool materials for 2016-2017

It's that time of year again. Time to finish up your school year, prep for possible homeschool conventions, try to figure out what to do next year and find the materials! I love looking for bargains, one of my favorite things to look for is used homeschool curriculums. I love, love, love books! It is so fun to look for new books to read to my kids.

Do you plan to attend a convention this year? What curriculum are you planning to use? Do you like to bargain hunt as much as I do?

For many years, I have tried several different curriculums, loving different aspects of each one I tried but never quite set on this was the one. Not until the last few years have I settled into a set curriculum. It takes time to get to know how you like to teach and what will best serve your kids. Don't be afraid to try things out, we have had a lot of fun trying various curriculums over the years.

So you may be asking what have I settled into? What has caught my fancy?

A few years ago, I discovered Trail Guide to Learning and fell in love with it. I had to wait until my kids were old enough to use the curriculum since it starts in third grade and I wanted my two oldest to do it together. Their first set Paths of Exploration was so much fun. We just finished it up this last week. The information that my children retain was amazing and most of the books they asked me to keep reading even after I reached the days ending point. If you like the philosophies Charlotte Masson and Ruth Beechick then you would really enjoy this curriculum.

So back to next year. We will continue on with Trail Guide to Learning and move onto their second set Paths of Settlement. I am now searching for my bargains on used books to complete our set. Currently it is on sale at Geography Matters  I believe the sale goes until this weekend.

What do I love about this curriculum? Well it is unit based all of your subjects, except for math, are included in your study on one person or subject for six weeks. I feel like my kids have been able to grasp so much more of the subject by studying it for six weeks. The books are really good and enjoyable to read. Trail Guide to Learning is focused on history and this curriculum really helps history to come alive.  They are starting to put together extensions, so that you can teach more kids together. I hope one day to include my younger son in with his sisters once these additions are finished. Paths of Settlement will cover my sixth grader and forth grader for next year in history, geography, science, art, writing, language arts, and reading.

Here is a summary of what I will be teaching my kids next year!

                    6th Grade                            4th Grade                        2nd Grade                   Preschool
History:     Paths of Settlement            Paths of Settlement        Beautiful Feet         Unsure at this time
Science :                                                                                    join in with his sisters
Spelling:   SUS* Ancient Achievements  SUS Americana            SUS Wildtales
Grammar:  Daily Grams Grade 6         Daily Grams Grade 4    Language Lessons for the Very Young
                                                                                                     and maybe Explode the Code
Math:         MUS** Epsilon                      MUS Gamma             MUS Beta/ Gamma
Handwriting: Italic Book G                    Italic Book D               Italic Book C
Drawing:      Draw Write Now Book 3 all together
Language:   Online HS Spanish Class    Rosetta Stone French  Unsure what curriculum but German
                                                                                                  Five in A Row Book 3
*SUS- Spelling U See ** MUS-Math U See

What curriculum do you hope to use? What things do you like to add in? I hope to add in a unit about the Summer Olympics and a lapbook about how our government works to go along with the presidential elections.

What excites you most about homeschooling? I love the time with my kids, it is hard work, but I love watching them grow and learn.

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