Spring Craft Challenges and other fun happenings!

Happy Spring friends! How are you? What have you been up to this winter? 

I am so excited to finally see some spring flowers poking through. Sunday begins our next craft challenge! So get those crafting tools out and gear up for our next challenge. Thank you to Crystal at wishyyowashy.etsy.com for providing the prize.
  1. There will be two crafts.
  2. You will have one week to complete the crafts.
  3. You have the choice of completing these two crafts or two of your own choosing.
  4. You will receive 5 points each for two craft entries.1 point for each comment that is made during the week. Extra five points if you follow Crystal or my store mtnittanycreations.etsy.com
  5. All the points will be tallied and the winner will be notified and given 24 hours to respond, if they do not a new winner will be chosen, as per Facebook rules.
This giveaway is not associated to Facebook or Instagram. Participants must be 18 years old or older. This contest is open internationally.

We have had some fun things happening recently. We are adding new items to our shop, like these beautiful wrap bracelets.

New wrap bracelets being added to our shop.
On our instagram account, we have been moving and grooving. On Sunday's, we have started the Sunday Maker Shout out. I love my maker friends. So this is an opportunity to make shout outs to them. Recently, we have started a contest with our Follow Fridays where a maker can win a free feature for Sunday Maker Shout Out.

One thing that has been really fun is we have joined some penpal groups and maker trades. This painting was one of our gifts to another pen pal maker.

In addition I have had the chance to be featured on Diana's from Dressed By Dianas blog. Check out the lovely necklace that I  created for her. 

One of the other fun things that I have been doing is helping out with leading lettering for Creative Bible Journaling on Facebook. Come check us out. Lots of fun things happening.

There has been so much going on. One of our hot items for the shop, is custom orders. Here are two fun pairs of earrings that we have made recently for a fellow maker, Angelica Chavez. Go and check out her cool blog.

In trying to expand what we offer in our ETSY shop, I have been hard
at work making these ribbon and bead bookmarks. Pop over to the shop
and check them out. mtnittanycreations.etsy.com

Something that I really enjoy is working with other artists.
Coming soon to our shop, we will have some cool
collaborative pieces can't wait to share them with you.

Recently, I joined a Bible Journaling group
on Facebook. After a little while they asked me to
lead their lettering department. Here is one of
the fonts I created. In the future, I hope to
use this skill to add some new fun things
to the shop. 

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.