Meet The Blogger: Kellie MacMillian from Princess and the Yard Ape

Hi, Friends! How was your weekend? What fun things did you do? I would love to hear from you. Please share below in the comments. If you have a fun craft, DIY or website you have found that you would like me to look over or you would like to be featured in our Meet the Maker series please email me. Also be ready for our Christmas in July Craft Challenge starting July 1.

On one of our Follow Friday feature giveaways, we had a blogger win. How exciting to branch out into another group on the web? So I am excited to introduce you to Kellie MacMillian from The Princess and The Ape.
Hi Kellie, Tell us about where you are from and where you live now?
I am from New Brunswick, Canada.
I live in Southern Ontario, between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie Oh fun.

How long have you been blogging and what got you started?
I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years.
I would have friends over and we would be sitting in the garden sharing a glass of wine and they would ask me questions about either wine or gardening or both. I’d answer and they all would say, “You should start a blog.” After hearing that for a thousand times, I guess I just started one.That's great you had so much encouragement to start out.
What started you in blogging about food and where did you go from there?
I originally wanted it to be about food, wine, and gardening and ended up winning a substantial food & wine competition right out of the gate. I represented Canada in a Blogger Competition in Paris, France. This took place at the time of the Paris terrorist attacks, so the whole thing was a life altering experience. I was involved in a group called the Food Bloggers of Canada at the time and somehow felt I owed someone something - like loyalty to food bloggers everywhere LOL.
However, I feel out of love with food blogging and actually have come to detest food blogs in general. So much so, that I haven’t actually cooked in almost 6 months. I seem to be going through a transition right now and am getting back to my roots of this blog.
I just want to take beautiful pictures, design gardens and not care what anyone thinks. LOL.I hope that this transition works out for you and that you really enjoy it.
Kellie, what has been your favorite post?
My favorite post is one called Wine in the Garden, Blame It On The Dragon.
I would love to share that being true to yourself is super important. Blogging is a journey and you change with each season and with each post and staying current with that takes quiet time to reflect.I will have to remember that, being true to myself.

What is something you would like to share with those interested in starting a blog?
I think it is important to take time away from blogging to fill up your inner well of inspiration. To create, or make just for fun and not for a blog post. There are things that set our hearts on fire and I love meeting people who connect and draw from that. The single most important resource for me is tension. When I start to feel frustrated, that’s when I know something great is going to come into my life. I used to be impatient during these times, now I sit back and smile and say to myself, “You’ve been here before, get ready for glory.” Thank you for your thoughts. It is true I too have found that great change has come after a great struggle.

You can find Kellie on the web at the following locations:

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.