Hi friends. How are you? I am sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. Life seems to have taken over. January was wrought with busyness and illness. I only now feel like we are getting back on our feet and you throw in our oldest having eye surgery, meetings about our youngest going to Kindergarten, my in-laws coming to visit to help out with all of these appointments and trying to maintain a schedule with homeschooling for the two kids that are not involved in the craziness. Balance would be my word for last month.
I did choose my OLW, One Little Word, for the year and it is JOY. Boy has that been hard to live by this past month. I hope to focus more in on that as the year continues. I am just not sure how to yet. What is your OLW? I would love to hear about it and why you chose it. Please share below in the comments and/or email me. I chose mine because I would ove to see more JOY in my life. To really bask in all the LORD has blessed me with and to share that with others. Our oldest seems to be recovering well and we have a lot of decisions to make regarding school particularly for a little guy and what will best serve him, where will he get the best services to help him to succeed with his schooling and autism.
I did choose my OLW, One Little Word, for the year and it is JOY. Boy has that been hard to live by this past month. I hope to focus more in on that as the year continues. I am just not sure how to yet. What is your OLW? I would love to hear about it and why you chose it. Please share below in the comments and/or email me. I chose mine because I would ove to see more JOY in my life. To really bask in all the LORD has blessed me with and to share that with others. Our oldest seems to be recovering well and we have a lot of decisions to make regarding school particularly for a little guy and what will best serve him, where will he get the best services to help him to succeed with his schooling and autism.
But enough about me. I am so excited to try and get back into writing our Meet the Maker interviews. If you would like to be interviewed, please email me to inquire. We are always looking for new talent and shops to get to know and share about. So without further ado lets meet our maker for this week. Let's meet Tran from Shards of Tears Jewelry.
Boston, MA
Where do you live now?
Still in the Boston area
How long have you been crafting?
Probably about 15 years.
Are there other types of crafting that you enjoy doing?
I enjoy other forms of jewelry making beyond what I have for sale, as well as 2D art.
What drew you to jewelry making or what inspired you?
My interest for jewelry started when I first got my ears pierced as a child. I developed my own style and taste as I grew older and started to make my own items when I noticed that stores did not carry items that closely matched my aesthetic.
When did you start selling online?
July 2017
And What drew you to sell online?
I wanted a source of income from home.
Where do you sell online?
Do you do any other work? Outside job, blog...
I am also a graphic designer (still in progress)https://trandl1995. wixsite.com/tranportfolio
Do you do your creating alone or with a partner or family member?
I work on my pieces alone with some background noise.
What hopes do you have for your business in the future?
I hope to have a steady income as I work from home and at my own pace.
This is a great dream.
What is your most favorite piece that you have made?
Probably a necklace that I made based on the keyblade One-Winged Angel https://www.khwiki.com/One- Winged_Angel), pictured, not for sale. I love how it turned out and the namesake of the pendant holds a special meaning to me.
What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?
Handmade items have a more special connotation to them than mass-produced items to. A handmade piece shows the creator's creativity and labor and one can consider the piece to have a part of the maker, as well. I think that is part of the appeal of buying handmade items along with supporting a small business.
I agree.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the blogosphere?
Thank you for taking the time to read this interview!
Thanks for sharing.
You can find Tran online and the following locations:
Upcoming Events:
- #igmakersale February 9. All day Insta sale with other Instagram Small shops. Come check it out and follow the hashtag. Get some of those last minute Valentines gift for the special people in your life!
- Feb 10-11 Love for Heather Auction. Come join us as we help raise money for our friend Heather as she fights an awful disease.https://www.instagram.com/loveforheatherauction/
- Feb 7-14 free shipping on all purchase in our ETSY shop.https://www.etsy.com/shop/MtNittanyCreations

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