Guest Post: 6 Ways to Incorporate Fashion Jewelry into Your Look This Year. by Two A Jewelry

Hi friends! How are you? How was your week? Ours was good but busy. We continue to feature artists on our Instagram and Facebook feeds and here on our blog in our Meet the Maker series and product reviews. If you would like to be a featured artist please contact me via email. We are always looking for new artists!

Today we are excited to introduce you to a new artist Two A Jewelry. To learn more about them here is an excerpt from their web page:

Two A Jewelry is a beautifully eccentric jewelry line that seamlessly combines organic eco-materials with industrial metals to create a striking and fresh spin on Bohemian-Chic.
Founded by designers and long-term friends Ayana Fishman and Anat Shapira, Two A is a unique, beautiful and glamorously intimate collaboration that has become an international success. 

Head over and check out their webpage and enjoy this article they have written for us.

6 Ways to Incorporate Fashion Jewelry into Your Look This Year

As the name implies fashion jewelry is fashionable as opposed to timeless. What’s hot today is out tomorrow and then it’s all back in next week. That’s why the biggest rule when it comes to this type of jewelry is just to have fun and pick the pieces that make you feel good while complementing - or at least not undermining - your outfit. With that in mind, we’re going to look at a half-dozen ways you can rock boho jewelry this year.

Making Fashion Jewelry Your Own in 2018

The fact that style is always in fashion and fashion comes and goes doesn’t mean bohemian jewelry is devoid of stylish elements. With that in mind, we’re going to take a quick look at 6 ways to work boho jewelry into your day to day wardrobe this year.

  1. Change up the earrings already - Like all humans, women tend to be creatures of habit. Nowhere is this expressed more forcefully than in the fact that women tend to find a pair of earrings that work for them and then wear those earrings every day for the rest of their lives. Okay, so we’re exaggerating a bit, but really. Swap out your favs for something different and experience a whole new world of style this year.
  2. Coordinate your colors - If you’re wearing a top with a large bold print choose fashion jewelry whose colors match. This will create synergy between your jewelry and the imagery that will elevate the value of both in visual terms. On the other hand, if you’re wearing neutrals pick a pendant necklace with a bright colorful stone that will really pop against the neutral background.
  3. Rediscover yourself - Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to look good we forget to look like us. We lose track of the essential components of our taste and style and adopt an inauthentic look that may be beautifully constructed but doesn’t really express who we are. Buck that trend this year by digging down into the jewelry box or exploring the back of the jewelry drawer for pieces you loved before you learned too much about fashion rules. 
  4. Shine on you crazy diamond - It’s time to take the plunge and incorporate some of your shinier bling into your everyday jewelry. You may be holding that sparkly necklace or bracelet or those incredible statement earrings aside for your next big date or a trip to the theatre but we’re saying it’s time to pair them up with your distressed denim and flannel work shirt.
  5. Have some fun with your watch - Why anyone still wears a watch in an age when everyone is carrying a smartphone is sort of a mystery. But even if watches have outlived their functional usefulness they still have value as fashion accessories. Next time you’re out shopping keep your eyes open for a fun watch that will dovetail with your other pieces. 
  6. Embrace the pendant - There are not many other accessories that say “bohemian jewelry” quite like a long pendant necklace. Without it, this type of jewelry just wouldn’t be so fashionable. Because of that, it’s time to head for Two A Jewelry and replenish your stock of pendant necklaces. And don’t just revisit the look of your existing pendants. Try something altogether new. If you need to buy some new outfits to go with your new pendants, so be it.

Style may never go out of fashion but neither does fashion jewelry. Take the above tips to heart and you’ll be well on your way to reinvigorating your relationship with your most important accessories.

You can find Two A Jewelry online at the following locations:

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Meet the Maker: Jen Buchanan from B Kind Apothecary

Hi friends. How are you? How were your Easter and spring so far? We have had some nice days followed by snow... I am ready for more nice days. But I guess that is how it goes in Central PA. We are longing for winter to end.  Our one daughter has started a new school. It is a non-traditional Charter school and she is really liking it. I am so glad because we did not make this decision lightly. One of her classes is stain glass. I wish I could have had art classes like that.

It is time for another edition in our Meet the Maker series. Today's interview is with Jen from B Kind Apothecary. So without further ado let us meet Jen.
Hi Jen.
Where are you from? and Where do you live now?
Ohio for both!

How long have you been crafting?
As long as I can remember.
Are there other types of crafting that you enjoy doing?
Crochet, mosaic tile work, pint, drawing and everything else possible from paper mache to typewriter poems!

What drew you to make Kawaii Bath & Body Cruelty-Free Goats Milk Handmade Soaps Clean Living Solutions?
Wanting to find a non-toxic solution for products that have chemicals and toxic ingredients.
Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it?
B is the first letter of my last name and be kind is my motto. I believe in karma so I only want to put Good Karma out there if possible. Apothecary comes from the idea of providing products that help with everyday life and sometimes with healing from pain.
This is interesting. 

When did you start selling online?
and What drew you to sell online?
Finding people who would be interested in my products more easily than going to shows where people are into other things. It's an easier way to find the Right audience.
This is very true. 
Where do you sell online?
Etsy and through Instagram with using PayPal.

Do you sell in other venues and if so what are they?
I haven't done a show in almost a year, but I used to do about four shows per year. 
What is your favorite venue for selling?
Online because I can reach a wider audience. My favorite is Instagram. I have met so many amazing people on Instagram and it has opened up my business world in the last year.
I really love Instagram too. There are some really neat people on there. 
Do you do any other work? Outside job, blog... How does that fit into your production time?
I have just written the first blog post for a little website, it's very new. And I'm looking for a new outside job. I am moderately busy but I squeeze it in time to craft even when I work full time.
That's great. Hope it goes well looking for a new outside job.

Do you do your creating alone or with a partner or family member?
I started this process with my sister but as she has had other things to focus on I've tried to keep the momentum going. It's not something I can very easily walk away from, because I am passionate about what I make.
That is great you are so passionate about it. 
Do you have a faith practice and how does this fit into your work?
I do have a faith practice. I tried to bring as much love and light as possible into the world. Started by going to church around third grade and loved it and was very passionate. I went on a missions trip that changed my life in 2002 and now my faith is still strong but I don't always go into a church building to practice anymore.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. 

What hopes do you have for your business in the future?
I hope to continue to see growth in myself which leads to growth in the business. I enjoy doing research to figure out what needs to be made to help me be more sustainable and less toxic.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made?
I always feel a special attachment to my beeswax candles, they take on a life of their own as I hand pour them and decorate them. But I don't make anything I'm not willing to use myself, or that I'm not already using myself.
Do you give to charity from the proceeds of your pieces? If so which ones and is there a story behind why? What lead you to donate?
I participated in an auction in which the proceeds went to Mexico after their earthquake.
This is great.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?
Work on what you're passionate about because then you're always motivated.
So true.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the blogosphere?
I'm very thankful and grateful for everything that happens in life, and that I've experienced. 
Me too. Thanks for sharing Jen. All the best with your business. 

You can find Jen online at the following locations:

Pricing Handmade Items Guide

Meet the Maker: Jill Verofsky from The Paper Rabbit Company

Hi friends. How are you? How has your spring been so far? It is still snowy and blah here with a few nice days in between. We went on a great vacation to FL last month. It was so nice and sunny and great to spend time with family and see Disney and Universal. I hope to get back into the swing of doing the Meet the Maker posts because I do really enjoy them. Life has been pretty full the last few months. What is new with you? Are you a maker and would like to be interviewed? Send me an email.

Today's Meet the Maker is with a fellow Pennsylvanian and she lives really close to where I grew up. How fun is that. Today I am going to allow Jill to take over my blog and tell you a little more about herself. Enjoy and without further ado here is Jill.
So my name is Jill Verofsky and my company is The Paper Rabbit Company

I am from Philadelphia PA and continue to live in the Philadelphia area, but have recently moved out of the city and into Wyndmoor (Glenside) PA.

I have always enjoyed doing crafts ever since I was a little kid.  I enjoyed making jewelry, painting and sewing.  Specifically with my greeting cards, I began making them approximately 4 years ago at the suggestion of my mom due to me feeling like I didn't really have a hobby in which I exercised myself creatively and artistically.  I like to read, write and play tennis, but I needed something that almost counterbalanced my professional life, which can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, as well as "life or death" at some points due to me working in the field of addiction rehabilitation.
Years ago I made the decision for myself to quit drinking and get myself into a program of recovery from my addiction.  As I became settled into my new life I realized that I didn't really have anything in which I used my hands and actually created something.  When discussing this with my mom, she suggested to try making greeting cards (she had seen something about making greeting cards on a home shopping network haha) because I have always been a huge proponent of SENDING cards to everyone in my life.  I was always drawn to sending cards to friends and family bc I feel like actually sitting down, writing out a card and/or message, mailing it, and having someone physically receive and experience it is a dying art.  Actually writing out a card is so different from sending a text or an email as you physically have to sit and write, which is a completely different action, and people appreciate that you take the time to do this for them.  I liked the idea of just a little card being able to brighten someone's day :)  So my inspiration would be my mom and my love of physical correspondence.

The story behind my shop name is pretty simplistic. My favorite animal has always been the rabbit or bunny.  I have a little stuffed animal that my mom bought me when I was a toddler (who is consequently named "Bunny") who I would sleep with every night, and still do!!!  So I came up with The Paper Rabbit Company bc my crafts are paper, and also having a rabbit or bunny involved really seemed like a deep piece of myself that I wanted to be evident in my art and my company.
I began selling my cards about 1 year ago online through Etsy and also in person at craft shows and home show parties with my close friend who sold LuLaRoe.  Now I still do have my Etsy shop, but I have found that Instagram has been so much more productive as it is easier to reach a larger audience, and the interface is much more user friendly than I find Etsy to be.  I also utilize Facebook for selling, but Instagram is definitely my favorite.  I was drawn to selling my cards by the suggestions of friends and family who all were loving receiving them in the mail, or receiving a set of them as a gift.  To be honest my favorite part of selling my cards online is that I can sell them to people all over the world, and the idea that one of my little creations is being used to make someone I have never met happy is just totally awesome!!

I do not have any upcoming sales or giveaways, but I do sell my cards at $4-, but I do 2 for $7, and also will make other price adjustments based on how many a person buys, or if they are a consistent customer of mine.
For a living I work in the field of addiction recovery for a company named Malvern Institute, that specializes in inpatient and outpatient treatment for individuals seeking treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction.  I have an undergraduate degree (B.A.) in Psychology and Biology, Masters degree (M.S.) in Forensic Psychology and I have an LPC licensure in clinical psychology.  Currently I work in Pottstown PA at one of our outpatient locations as an outpatient therapist, and I also am the clinical site supervisor  My job can be so emotionally and mentally taxing that my card creating time allows me to just sit, quiet my mind and create something with my hands.  I try to set aside a few hours per week to work on my cards, which most often is Friday night and over the weekends.  If I have had a particularly taxing work day, I will come home and sneak in a little card time before bed; I like to say it "quiets my mind".  Depending on the card occasion, a single card can take me anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on whether or not I have a design idea in my head already.  I don't think I have ever made exactly the same card twice.  I come up with all the designs myself, starting with a single sheet of card-stock.  

Although I create my cards by myself, often I will be sitting with friends or family while I am doing them, or I ALWAYS have my trusty sidekick Rocky (my little dog).  I do also take requests from customers on what they would like with a card/cards, as well as thoughts/input/suggestions from my friends and family.
I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic grade school and also the college I attended for undergrad and my graduate degree is a Catholic school.  I spent many years going to church, was an altar server and also sang in the choir, but as I got older, I began to pull away from the Catholic church and began to "practice" my own type of worship that is not so structured or rigid as I found the Catholic Church.  I often will say, "I'm not a religious person, but I am a huge God person".  My recovery program for my alcoholism is through the AA program (alcoholics anonymous), which is deeply ingrained in spirituality and connecting with a Higher Power, that I choose to call God.  Part of my beliefs are to be a "good person", meaning to be honest, kind and loving; even when faced with adversity or acrimony, I feel that I only lose if I do not do the next right thing as God would see fit.  I pray everyday for God to use me as an instrument for his work, and to help others as best as I can on a daily basis.  I feel my crafting and my beliefs coincide in the way that I really enjoy bringing joy and happiness to others.  Being nice and kind is so easy, but it is a daily deliberate action that I choose to take each day.

For the future of my business I would just like to continue to make people happy with my crafts, and hopefully develop my own website to sell my cards.  I would also like to participate in more craft show type events and connect with other handmade artists.
I don't know if I have any 1 favorite piece, but I think I most enjoy making Christmas and Valentine's day cards.  I love coming up with new theme ideas for holidays and occasions

Proceeds of my cards do not currently go to charity, but if I were to pick a charity I would most likely choose St. Jude's Children's Hospital for the ASPCA.  I consider myself to be a champion for the innocent and I would love to help any kids suffering from cancer and I love animals.

If there is 1 piece of advice to someone wishing to start their own handmade business it would be to jump right into it bc you'll never know what you can do till you try.  Also, to sell things online you need to be vigilant in promoting yourself and building connections with customers and also other crafters.  

Thank you so much for sharing Jill. I really enjoyed reading your story and I love your cards.

You can find Jill online at the following locations:

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.