Meet the Maker: Jen Buchanan from B Kind Apothecary

Hi friends. How are you? How were your Easter and spring so far? We have had some nice days followed by snow... I am ready for more nice days. But I guess that is how it goes in Central PA. We are longing for winter to end.  Our one daughter has started a new school. It is a non-traditional Charter school and she is really liking it. I am so glad because we did not make this decision lightly. One of her classes is stain glass. I wish I could have had art classes like that.

It is time for another edition in our Meet the Maker series. Today's interview is with Jen from B Kind Apothecary. So without further ado let us meet Jen.
Hi Jen.
Where are you from? and Where do you live now?
Ohio for both!

How long have you been crafting?
As long as I can remember.
Are there other types of crafting that you enjoy doing?
Crochet, mosaic tile work, pint, drawing and everything else possible from paper mache to typewriter poems!

What drew you to make Kawaii Bath & Body Cruelty-Free Goats Milk Handmade Soaps Clean Living Solutions?
Wanting to find a non-toxic solution for products that have chemicals and toxic ingredients.
Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it?
B is the first letter of my last name and be kind is my motto. I believe in karma so I only want to put Good Karma out there if possible. Apothecary comes from the idea of providing products that help with everyday life and sometimes with healing from pain.
This is interesting. 

When did you start selling online?
and What drew you to sell online?
Finding people who would be interested in my products more easily than going to shows where people are into other things. It's an easier way to find the Right audience.
This is very true. 
Where do you sell online?
Etsy and through Instagram with using PayPal.

Do you sell in other venues and if so what are they?
I haven't done a show in almost a year, but I used to do about four shows per year. 
What is your favorite venue for selling?
Online because I can reach a wider audience. My favorite is Instagram. I have met so many amazing people on Instagram and it has opened up my business world in the last year.
I really love Instagram too. There are some really neat people on there. 
Do you do any other work? Outside job, blog... How does that fit into your production time?
I have just written the first blog post for a little website, it's very new. And I'm looking for a new outside job. I am moderately busy but I squeeze it in time to craft even when I work full time.
That's great. Hope it goes well looking for a new outside job.

Do you do your creating alone or with a partner or family member?
I started this process with my sister but as she has had other things to focus on I've tried to keep the momentum going. It's not something I can very easily walk away from, because I am passionate about what I make.
That is great you are so passionate about it. 
Do you have a faith practice and how does this fit into your work?
I do have a faith practice. I tried to bring as much love and light as possible into the world. Started by going to church around third grade and loved it and was very passionate. I went on a missions trip that changed my life in 2002 and now my faith is still strong but I don't always go into a church building to practice anymore.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. 

What hopes do you have for your business in the future?
I hope to continue to see growth in myself which leads to growth in the business. I enjoy doing research to figure out what needs to be made to help me be more sustainable and less toxic.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made?
I always feel a special attachment to my beeswax candles, they take on a life of their own as I hand pour them and decorate them. But I don't make anything I'm not willing to use myself, or that I'm not already using myself.
Do you give to charity from the proceeds of your pieces? If so which ones and is there a story behind why? What lead you to donate?
I participated in an auction in which the proceeds went to Mexico after their earthquake.
This is great.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?
Work on what you're passionate about because then you're always motivated.
So true.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the blogosphere?
I'm very thankful and grateful for everything that happens in life, and that I've experienced. 
Me too. Thanks for sharing Jen. All the best with your business. 

You can find Jen online at the following locations:

Pricing Handmade Items Guide

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.