There was a song growing up that we had on tape called Daddy does the dishes...I think of it when I see this picture of Jeff....


Outside of our new house ...

Every morning we have a ritual of waving goodbye to Daddy when he goes to work. It is one of the highlights. They also love this big window to watch the recycling truck and trash truck. Each week the recycling guys honk and wave it is quite fun. Big windows are great like this too as it looks out to where the sun sets, boy is it pretty since now we live high enough above some of the hills and mountains we can see it.

Girls will be Girls playing Dress up!!!

One thing about living on the side of a mountain with woods behind you and a huge field of our neighbors is we get tons of deer and a pesky skunk to boot, often in the morning we can spot them. I think there has been a count up to eleven deer at one time.... The one day they were so close, maybe only 100 ft it was crazy....

The girls watching the deer!!!

Jael is really into baby dolls, I caught her the one morning reading a catalog to one of them...too cute....

Ema and I do "school pages" together, here was one of her first cut and paste pages she was doing....She absolutly loves coloring and such now...it is fun.

One of the things the girls love to do is climb into the boxes that we keep their toys in, or laundry baskets, or just plain old boxes, or anything they can climb into...
love this one with the sun behind them.