Field Trip #1

This fall some of my friends here in town have been organizing field trips for our kids. We all plan on homeschooling, most of them have started but it is nice for us to join in on the fun. Our first trip this fall was to a children's museum in a nearby town called Altoona.
It is this quaint old house where from basement to attic has been converted into a place for children to interact with all kinds of aspects of life.
In the basement it has been turned into a large sand box. The girls, and their friends loved this.

Here is Jael riding in one of the toy cars on a road painted on the floor of the basement.

Playing in the sand

It was a perfect day to go to the museum because it turned out to be rainy and yucky all day, so we all crowded on the porch for a picnic lunch.

One of Jael's favorite rooms was the super market room. She loved taking items off the shelf and putting them into a cart.

Ema enjoyed the pet hospital. She had a lot of fun putting the stuffed pets in and out of the cages.

There was also a dress up room and an art room and a room with this fort type building the girls had a grand time playing in.
It was nice for me to get to spend time with some of my friends as well.

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.