Field trip #3

Ema, Jael and their friend Lydia.

One day I will catch up with all that is going on with us. At the begining of October we went on another field trip to a local nature center, Mill Creek Marsh. It was the week of our staff conference so our friends Dave and Marti were up with the kids for the conference so Marti and her kids joined my friend Karlyn and our kids to take a tour of the Marsh. It was a very pretty fall day. We had lunch prior and then with the help of several guides we hiked the board walk through the marsh.
We actually got to see a Preying mantis close up which was really cool.
This was Ema's favorite part. The staff gave the kids binoculars at the bird lookout building and they could look through and try and spot different animals.
Here is the creek flowing under us. Along the way the kids stuck plant findings to a piece of tape on their wrist and at the end made a bookmark out of it. Jael took to one of the staff people and was carried around by her most of the time.
Here we are getting taught about what we would see and what we can and can't do.
It was a great day to be out and with friends.

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