Next School Year Continued...

Well as I thought about my previous post I came to realize that I left off some subjects and one of them being the most important in our family...Bible

Bible: We are currently listening to the Jesus Story Book Bible in the morning
Our oldest is doing Explore the Bible Devotional from the Good Book
For family devotions we are doing Long Story Short  which has been my favorite family devotional so far. It goes through the old testament and shows how the OT points to Christ. 

Reading: We are currently using Funnix Reading and Reading 2 This program has worked really well for our middle child to learn to read and our oldest to work on reading out loud and comprehension. We did Teach Your Child To Read for our oldest and started it with our middle child but it was not the right program for her.

Piano: We are enjoying the Little Mozarts Piano book series.

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I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.