Next School year!

So I think that I have figured out roughly what I want to do for school next year...
How you may ask did I figure it out...?
Check out my blog post prior to this one to get an idea.
I am getting excited about it all, this time of year I get reenergized by the used curriculum sales and homeschool conventions!
This weekend my hubby and I are heading to Harrisburg for CHAP.

This is Jeff's first time and I think my fourth so I have all the sitters lined up, yeah God...and get to share this time with him...I can't wait...

Anyhow so I wanted to figure out what to do prior to going. So the last several weeks I have been reading, researching, surfing the web and compiling lists of things I want to get.

So here it is:

History will be by Beautiful Feet
we will be doing their Early American History which has been recently updated to include more!

Math: we will continue on with Math-U-See which I just love and find so easy to use and understand!

Language Arts: We will again use Queen's Homeschool  which I really like how it is all in one book, narration, grammar, copy work, picture study all put together in day to day easy to follow lessons.

Art and Music: I am still debating this one but I am leaning towards using Harmony Fine Arts 
I am looking at using their first year overview. Which is in between my two girls one who will be second grade and the other kindergarden next year.

nature study: for science we will do nature study using something from the Handbook of Nature Study Blog not quite sure which yet. But we have done some of their spring challenges and have really enjoyed them.

Literature/read alouds: probably a combination of our history books and others that spark our interest. I have gotten the list of read alouds from Sonlight and hope to either buy some of these or get them at the library. As well as read some of the great books we have at home or on our nooks.

Spelling: not sure on this one yet, one of the ones I want to research at conference.

Handwriting: We really like the Italic books.

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I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.