Day 6 of Christmas in July Craft Challenge guest post from Eileen Wenckus.

Hi friends! How has your week been? I hope you have been enjoying the challenge as much as I have been. Check out this fun first entry photo from Laura of The Dreamy Dutchy.

Today's Craft is Pop - Up Star Ornament from guest blogger Eileen Wenckus. Enjoy!

I have fun ornament for you to try. This one is not difficult it involves cutting, folding and gluing. I reused some old Christmas card, this created a mainly white star because of how I folded it. It you want something more colorful paint some paper, use paper that is printed on two sides or decorate paper with stamps. Here is a how to video where the person used stamps: Pop up ornament 

Five pieces of 3 x 3 inch paper and two pieces of 1.5 inch paper.
Glue (I used a glue stick)
Ribbon and a bead
A bone folder or a ruler (the bone folder is to make creases sharp but the ruler will do that to and is also for measuring your paper.


Photo #1 Measure and cut out your paper you will need five 3x3 inch squares and two 1.5 x1.5 inch.  I cut mine out of old Christmas cards, I had a blank side on one side which you’ll see below I folded to a white star facing out. I could have decorated the blank side and I think I’ll try that for the next one. This one I’ll write on and use for a gift tag. Photo #2 fold each of the 3x3 papers; first fold each in half one way, then in half the other way and finally on the diagonal. Use your ruler or bone folder to give you sharp creases. You can see the creases in the paper. Next fold the diagonal crease in so your paper folds up into a triangle open at one end closed at the other. Photo #3 glue one side of each folded paper to another don’t complete the circle.

Photo #1 glue a piece of ribbon to each side of the folded ornament. Then glue one of the 1.5 inch pieces to each side over the ribbon. Photo #2 put both ends of the ribbon through the bead and tie a knot at the top. This is how the ornament looks closed. I glued the decorative side of the reused Christmas card out since I wanted it in when the ornament is open. Photo #3 Pull up the bead to pop out the ornament and this is  my finished ornament - open. Enjoy making yours. I’m looking forward to seeing them.

Thanks for sharing Eileen. This looks like a fun craft.

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.