Meet the Maker: Allison Mohorich from Glass Expressions

Hi, friends. Happy Friday and for those in the US Happy Labor Day weekend. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? My brother and his wife are visiting us for the weekend from Texas. We are praying for all those who have felt the effects of the recent storm. I am thankful that my brother and his wife are ok.

It is time for another Meet the Maker post. If you are a maker or know of one who would like an interview. Comment below or email me.Today I have the special privilege to introduce you to Allison from Glass Expressions. Without further ado, here is our interview.

Where are you from? I'm from Sacramento, California.
And where do you live now? I'm currently living in Roseville, California.
So a true California girl.

How long have you been crafting? I have been making glass jewelry since 2010.Wow, that is great.

What drew you to Glass Expressions or what inspired you? I remember seeing a "how to" video on making glass tile jewelry when scrabble tiles were popular. I decided to give it a try and instantly loved it. I absolutely love how the image behind the glass is brought to life. This is a fun way to find out something you love. There are so many great "how to" videos out there.

Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it? Glass Expressions allows people to "express" themselves through my glass items whether it be with a photo, a theme, quote, etc. That is a fun way of thinking of your creations and incorporating it into the shop name.

When did you start selling online? I started selling online back in 2011 on Artfire. I ended up closing my Artfire shop and opened my Etsy shop thereafter. Cool.
And What drew you to sell online? Family and friends told me that I should sell my items. People were drawn to them. They were right. That's great.

What hopes do you have for your business in the future? I'm hoping to have my items in some local boutiques and gift shops around my town. This is a great goal.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? My favorite piece that I've made is my Victorian bumble bee necklace. It's so breathtaking. The few I made sold quickly. I need to make one for myself. That sounds like a really neat piece.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? I think it's such a wonderful way to express yourself and learn what you're capable of. I'm always learning new methods in creating pieces.I turn on music and get into my zone and start creating. For me when I see somebody wearing an item that I made, I get so giddy, it's truly flattering.I know there are other people that make the same craft I do, that's how I learned but everybody does it differently and that's what will make you stand out.\This is some great advice. Thank you for sharing.

You can find Allison Online at the following locations:

Instagram: @glassexpressions78

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