Meet the Maker: Laura Liesch from the Dreamy Dutchy Designs

Hi, friends! How are you? How was your weekend? Ours was a different one dealing with different things happening with our kids and my husband was away on business. But God helped us through.

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Today I have the special privilege to interview my insta buddy Laura. She's a really neat gal and I think you will enjoy getting to know her. I hope that you have a wonderful week. Without further ado here is Laura.

Where are you from?
I am from Kaukauna, a small city 25 minutes south of Green Bay, WI.  After high school, I went to Milwaukee to college and then spent almost 6 years living and working in Eau Claire before moving back to the Fox Valley area in 2008.
Where do you live now?
My now-husband convinced me to move back to Kaukauna in 2010, and we currently live there. We're hoping to buy a house in a few years, and will likely stay in the Fox Valley. This is great, I hope that will work out for you both soon.

How long have you been crafting?
All my life! I have vague memories of sitting on my grandma's lap stitching on plastic canvas at about 3 years old. My mom taught me how to sew, how to cross stitch, and how to do simple beading, as well as a bunch of other crafts. I've been making "friendship" bracelets since I was small (ie, since my mom let me pilfer her DMC floss stash). I learned scrapbooking and stamping/card making in my twenties, and learned how to crochet 5 years ago. I learned basic macrame in 2015, and have been making my crystal wrapped necklaces since then. I was created to create. I'm happiest when working with my hands. Wow, you have learned a lot of different crafts. I am glad that you have found what you are created for, that is such a blessing.

What drew you to making crystal jewelry or what inspired you?
I've collected rocks my entire life. I started collecting crystals and tumbled gemstones about 10 years ago. I love my tumbles, but don't get much use out of them. A friend of mine had a necklace featuring a gorgeous crystal tumble and she put me in contact with the girl who made it. That person wrapped a stone for me, and when I received the necklace, I thought, "I could do this". I asked the original maker if it would be okay if I used her idea as a springboard, and she said yes! So I started macrame wrapping my tumbles using colorful cotton crochet thread in a different style than most of the hemp necklaces you see around Etsy/IG.  This is really cool how you came to making the crystal jewelry.

When did you start selling online?
I started my original business as a Facebook-based business in 2012, selling crocheted washcloths and hand towels. That original page was revamped in March of 2017 to accommodate the launch of Dreamy Dutchy Designs on Etsy. Also at that time, my mother-in-law asked me if I would consider selling the baby blankets she makes for her, as her previous seller "retired" from the craft fair/farmer's market circuit. Wow, so you have done a variety of things online as well, that's great you are helping our your mother-in-law. 

And What drew you to sell online?
I feel like you can reach more people and target a more specific audience when you're selling online. Also, my work schedule at my full-time job doesn't allow me the freedom to sell at farmer's markets or craft shows. (However, if this fall and winter go well, I might consider renting space next summer for the Farmer's Market in my hometown and altering my work schedule.) Unfortunately, I also deal with an anxiety disorder, and loud, crowded spaces don't always go well for me, but I'm working on it so I can be a good "face" for my business. Selling online is a great avenue when you have a full-time job and anxiety. I too struggle with anxiety. I really struggle right before I do a show and then once it gets going I do fine. But man its tough. 

What hopes do you have for your business in the future?
I hope to continue building the Dreamy Dutchy Designs brand to bring color, crystals, and joy into people's lives. I love meeting other people who love crystals and crochet, and am open to doing collaborations! Since 10% of all my sales go towards buying diapers for kids in need, I hope to have an impact on their lives as well. I'm getting close to a "stretch goal" I have for donating, and I'm excited to announce that soon! I am hoping to eventually wholesale our baby blankets to a shop that centers around kids and babies because it can be difficult to sell two very different items from one store. That is so exciting that you donate a percentage of your sales goes to buying diapers for kids in need. I can understand it's hard to sell two very different types of products in your shop. Thanks for sharing. 

What is your most favorite piece that you have made?
I don't think I could pick just one. One favorite "keeper" piece I made features a larimar tumble wrapped in peacock blue and aqua. I really like the rasta-themed necklace featuring a sunny orange calcite also (and that one is still available in my Etsy shop)! I've also experimented with wrapping seashells and miniature sand dollars, and those are really neat (2 sand dollars are available in my Etsy shop)! These sound like really neat pieces. 

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?
Formulate a plan and build up inventory well before you decide to launch your business. Try to secure all relevant social media names and email addresses also, so everything stays close in nomenclature. Above all else, have patience. Selling online and building a social media presence takes a lot of time and a lot of work, but persistence pays off! ( I know that's more than one thing, but those are the biggies in my opinion.) This is some great advice. Thanks for sharing.

You can Find Laura online at the following locations:

Here's the link to my Linktree, which has all my relevant info:
Dreamy Dutchy Designs
Laura Liesch, owner/designer/creator

PH: 978-A-DUTCHY ((978)238-8249)
Instagram: @thedreamydutchy

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