Meet the Maker: Joanna from Spiritually Wired 1211

Hi Friends. How are you? How has your week been? Life has been pretty crazy for me trying to fill orders, homeschool and do a show this week. But it is a good kind of busy. Do you have any fun holiday season plans? We just had a Christmas party tonight with good friends from my husband's work. Definitely a highlight for our family.

I am excited to bring you an interview with another Maker. Today's interview is with JoAnna from Spiritually Wired 1211. So without further ado let's meet JoAnna.
Hi JoAnna.
Where are you from? NJ

Where do you live now? NJ. Cool.

How long have you been crafting? 2 years of this medium This is fun.

Are there other types of crafting that you enjoy doing? Anything creative! I can definitely relate to that.

What drew you to wire wrapping? My hubs and bought me a crystal and some wire for valentines one year for us to wrap together... I was hooked!  That is so fun.

Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it? I chose spirituallywired1211 because it was cute with the play on words but also has a deeper meaning. Fun.
When did you start selling online? About 2 years ago

And What drew you to sell online? I have always worked in retail so I have always wanted my own shop

Where do you sell online?

Do you sell in other venues and if so what are they? I do local craft fairs

What is your favorite venue for selling? I love craft fairs because I love meeting new people! Seeing the reaction to my jewelry is quite special! I couldn't agree more.
Do you do any other work? Outside job, blog...  I do have a regular old desk job until I can have my business as my main income. That's a great goal.

How does that fit into your production time? My days off are my Spiritual/crafting days. My heart is full of passion and creativity. That's great.

Do you do your creating alone or with a partner or family member? Just me 😊

Do you have a faith practice and how does this fit into your work? Wire wrapping becomes meditative for me. I get so into that I tune out everything else. Oh Wow.
What hopes do you have for your business in the future? I would love to send my crystals internationally. This is a great goal.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? I love them all so much! I’ll make one and say yes this is my favorite... a few days later I say the same thing  😊 That's fun and understandable.
Do you give to charity from the proceeds of your pieces? I have teamed up with other shop owners on Instagram as a group or auction. That's great.

You can find Joanna online at the following locations.
Instagram: spirituallywired1211

Upcoming Events:
Only two more Wonderful Wacky Wednesday Sales left until Christmas!
Come out and visit our shop on a Wednesday and get some last minute shopping done.
Friday, December 7, we are participating in two group sales on Instagram. Come check out what we have for sale and meet some other really great makers and see what they have for sale!
We have reached 1k followers on our Instagram and have a giveaway that ends Friday, Dec 8, at 10 pm. You have the chance to win one of our Handmade Holiday Boxes. So hop on over and find the original post to enter. 

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.