Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello friends,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. How are you? Life has been busy on my end keeping up with my jewelry shop. thank you to everyone who has come and shopped this holiday season. It is such a blessing to our family.

For now, until after the New Year, I will be taking a blogging break. Trying to finish up orders for my shop and spending some much-needed downtime with my family. If you need anything feel free to email me. I will return in the new year with more posts in our Meet the Maker series and product reviews. If you would like to be interviewed or have your product reviewed email me.

Enjoy this fun free coloring book from Art Licensing Show.

92 Free Coloring Pages

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.