Christmas in July Crafting Challenge Day 14

Twas the fourteenth day of the crafting challenge,
And boy have we done a lot.
From snowmen, to angels it's been such fun...
Ready for another here we go
grab some ribbon and some pearls
It's a bracelet we are making.
Happy Christmas Crafting!

Hello everyone and welcome to our fourteenth day of our challenge. 

Today, we will make a Ribbon and pearl bracelet. Craft and photo from Yes Missy a Lifestyle Blog.

Put your craft together and share it with us in our facebook group! Make sure you also use #christmasinjulycraftchallenge2016 when posting to social media.

Don't forget to enter in the rafflecopter for your entry to win a custom piece of jewelry.

Please see our blog page for all of the rules.
Looking forward to seeing your creations.
Happy Crafting.

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.