3D Snowflake
Hi everyone, I am so happy to be participating in this fun crafting challenge. I love to craft, create, paint, collage and enjoy trying new crafts, tools and methods.
I searched for a long time for crafts for my guest posts for this challenge and spent many happy hours reading tutorials and watching videos for loads of different crafts for Christmas or for anytime the craft bug might bite. My criteria were: it should be easy, fun, inexpensive, pretty quick to complete, require few materials and tools, something the family can help with and look pretty good when completed.
Some of the things I picked out I later rejected for one reason or another and of course I got distracted more than once, I admit, by some fascinating new craft I found but I think I’ve ended up with some fun things for us to do that meet most of the criteria.
I’m joining you all for five guest posts, I have only done two of them before and that was a while ago…in other words we’re learning new things together. Of course you may have done them all or some of them in that case then I welcome your tips and input.
Let’s get started with our first craft a 3D ornament.
This was inspired by one I saw on Pinterest but I am using instructions I found on Wikihow.com 3D Snowflake and Youtube videos. I watched Lacy Paper Snowflake and 3D Paper Snowflake Tutorial.
Notice that my paper isn’t square - it needs to be. In the #1 photo below you can see how I folded over my paper and trimmed off the edge piece this will make it square. Then in #2 photo I folded the triangle in half. Then I cut toward the fold almost to it but not through it six times. I didn’t measure but if you want yours perfectly even get a ruler and place dots to guide your cutting.
You can see in Picture #3 where I have most of them cut and what it looks like open. After you’re done cutting start to glue or tape, bring the first two points up to each other and glue or tape them together. I used a glue stick. Family can help with this part or possibly even with the cutting.
Once you have them all glued staple them together in two groups finally staple the two groups together I stapled the points across not matching in this step.
And voila! you’re done
Put your craft together and share it with us in our facebook group! Make sure you also use #christmasinjulycraftchallenge2016 when posting to social media.
Don't forget to enter in the rafflecopter for your entry to win a custom piece of jewelry.
Please see our blog page for all of the rules.
Looking forward to seeing your creations.
Happy Crafting.
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