Christmas in July Crafting Challenge Day 17

Cold Porcelain (white clay) Ornaments
By now you may have detected a theme in my posts, very ornamental you might say, lol and if you’ve crafted along with me you have a lot a small gifts or decorations made for Christmas and it’s only July, think of that!

Today, I am making white clay or cold porcelain ornaments,  there are many sources online and I’ll provide links to a few in this post. The recipe uses items you might have already in your cabinet, baking soda and cornstarch super simple and fun.

You will need:
  • I cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of cornstarch
  • ¾ cup of warm water

You’ll also need a measuring cup, rolling pin, cookie cutters, parchment paper, a spoon or spatula (I used a spoon), a saucepan, a bowl, a drinking straw and yarn or string #1 picture. Place the baking soda, cornstarch and water in the sauce pan and cook over medium heat stirring constantly. The mixture is very thin and watery to begin with #2 picture, but within a few minutes it will come together in a soft mass, remove it from the stove and scrape it into a bowl #3 picture. Cover it and allow it to cool then knead it until smooth. Roll it out to ¼ inch thickness and cut with your favorite cookie cutters. Use the straw to put a hole in it for hanging. Let them air dry, although I’ve seen baking instructions for them I noticed that they were drying pretty quickly and decided to just go with that approach it took about 24 hours.

For more information and pictures visit Tomfo or try Full of Great Ideas. Want to get more decorative with your ornaments? Try beads or other little decorative items, I put some little cake decor stars on the small ones I made but the food color in them ran so don’t try the food decor. Here are some other ideas that might work.; Christmas Joy ornament shows stamps on their clay so does Oleander and Palm on Salt dough ornaments. Experiment or just leave them plain they look pretty that way to, have fun!

Put your craft together and share it with us in our facebook group! Make sure you also use #christmasinjulycraftchallenge2016 when posting to social media.

Don't forget to enter in the rafflecopter for your entry to win a custom piece of jewelry.

Please see our blog page for all of the rules.
Looking forward to seeing your creations.
Happy Crafting.

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.