Meet the Maker: Angela from Ash Jewelry Co

Hi friends! How are you? How was your weekend? What did you do? I had the special privilege of spending the weekend with one of my dearest friends in Harrisburg in honor of my birthday. It was a lovely time. We talked, napped, ate, talked some more, did our nails and watched two movies.

It is time for another Meet the Maker. I am sorry life has been crazy with sick kids and field trips that I was not able to get this out on Friday as normal.

Hopefully, this week will be a little less crazy. Today, I have the special privilege of introducing you to Angela from ASH Jewelry Company. Let's let Angela share with you about herself as she takes over my blog for today.

Hi there, Angela here at ASH Jewelry Co. I am from Orem, UT and currently live in Panaca,  NV (pronounced PUH-NAC-UH). I have only been crafting the past 3 years. During this time I have been making jewelry.

I am a stay at home to two boys. I love jewelry and I wanted to be able to make a little income while staying home with them. Making jewelry is a great way for me to relax as well when the kids are asleep. I just love designing new pieces for people every week.

I started an Etsy shop about 2 and a half years ago. I recently have started to sell on Facebook this year. Selling online makes it easy to stay home and raise my kids while earning income at the same time. It is also nice that people can look at items anytime during the day or night and simply message you if they like or want something.

For the future, I would like to expand my business to more than the United States. I would also like to have my own shop and give people the opportunity to have jewelry parties with my designs.

My specialty jewelry is bullet jewelry. My favorite piece is a chain necklace that has a bullet with a Swarovski crystal and feather charm.

One thing I would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business is this. Never give up. The only way you are sure to fail is if you never try.

Thank you for sharing yourself, Angela. It is great to get to know you better.

You can find Angela online at the following locations:
Facebook Page:    ASH Jewelry Co
Instagram:    @ashjewelry
Twitter:    @ASHjewelryco

If you would like to be interviewed, have a product reviewed or receive a feature on our Instagram and Facebook pages email me.

Oct 9-14 #sentmeonmywaygiveaway In celebration of reaching 5 k on Instagram, my birthday and one year of the shop being open we are having a giveaway to celebrate.  @mtnittanycreations

Nov 6-14   Lydia's Guild in Doylestown, PA

Please note that my blog contains affiliate links. If you click on them you could help support my blog. 

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.