Meet the Maker: Tanya from Cabin Crochet Creations

Happy Friday friends! How has your week been? Mine has been tough. My youngest and I both got sick this week and my husband went away on business for a night. So life was interesting needless to say. What did you do this week?

Since it is Friday that means another Meet the Maker interview. This Friday, I have the privilege to introduce you to my Instagram friend Tanya from Cabin Crochet Creations. So without further ado let's meet Tanya.

Where are you from? I was born in Clinton, Iowa and have lived in a lot of places. My dad collected several degrees and taught University. I went to Jr High and High School in St Charles, Illinois

Where do you live now? In Woodstock, Illinois a northwest suburb of Chicago. Wow you have lived a bunch of places.

How long have you been crafting? I taught myself to knit (just knit not purl) in 2013 and to crochet in 2014. I started my blog and selling my creations in November of 2014.I have always loved creating art with whatever was at hand. Art therapy has always been my best means of expressing myself.
That's great. Art has been very therapeutic for me as well.

Who inspired you to go down this route? An art therapist inspired me to pick up knitting needles. I had learned the basic knit stitch when I was 9 y/o for a Girl Scout badge! Once she refreshed my memory of casting on and binding off, I was off. Making scarves and hats for friends and eventually for the homeless shelter here in town.

I was frustrated with my mistakes though and didn't know how to fix them! So I taught myself to crochet with a few YouTube videos. I used patterns off of the yarn to start and jotted down a few simple patterns. I lived in a group home for people with mental illness and couldn't either afford to live on their own or needed the support.

I had had several bad years with suicidal depression and panic attacks.
Crochet has helped me get back on my feet, emotionally. I had an increase in self worth and wanted to share my makes and some of my journey so I started my blog. I also did a few craft fairs and heard from other creators about Etsy. (As well as the art therapist) Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I hope that it will be used to help inspire others. I am sorry for your bad years but so glad to see where you are now.

When did you start selling online?
Via messages sent on Facebook: November 2014.
Etsy: April 2017
Instagram: Spring 2017
That's great.

And What drew you to sell online? It was cheaper than the craft fairs and I could sell to the world! I can see that being true.

What hopes do you have for your business in the future? I am hoping to give some classes in my home for both knitting, crochet, Biblical nutrition and feeding your brain all as a comprehensive plan for treating mental health issues. Wow this is great. I really hope that this works out for you. I think it would be a true blessing to many out there.

What is your most favorite piece that you have made? Princess Celestia ( which was a $100 order from a friend who just wanted to support my business. As far as I know he still has it! But sadly we have lost touch.) That's great he wanted to support your business. Sorry to hear you have lost touch.

What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? You had better absolutely love what you do or it will end up being work! I am making all kinds of inexpensive things for the November 2017 craft fair because people don't want to pay $50 - 150 for well made, handmade dolls. Hats $10-15 okay maybe. I am going to design a small doll that I can sell for $15 and small animals for about the same price. And dishcloths! Lots of those as well as face scrubbies. This is very true. I hope that you will one day be able to find your niche for your beautiful dolls. I have run into similar things with my more expensive pieces as well. I find that it depends on the demographic of the craft show that helps me know what kind of items will sell. Thank you for sharing yourself. All the best with your handmade business.

You can find Tanya online at the following locations: by TanyaJoy
My Etsy shop is down
Maybe on nuMONDAY soon though!

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I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.