Hi friends! Happy Monday. How are you? How was your weekend? Ours was not too bad. My husband was away at a conference, which he said was a huge success! The kids and I were home, we did some school, hung out with some friends and went to church. Pretty normal stuff. My sweet husband took this week off to help me prep for a big week-long craft show and because we needed some downtime.
We will probably do some house projects too. What do you plan to do this week?
Since it is Monday, that means another Meet the Maker. Today's interview is with Kate from Knit Wit Kate. So without further ado lets meet our new friend.
Where are you from?Long Island, NY and Where do you live now? Long Island, NYHow long have you been crafting? Many years! I’ve always been super crafty but probably like 7-9 years or so.
Do you like other crafts than the one you sell? Yes! I just love anything crafty in general. Upcycling things, or doing wine bottle crafts, etc. Every year I give the girls in my office a crafty present at Christmas and they love it.
What drew you to crocheting or what inspired you? My mom! She actually taught me (crocheting) a long time ago, and I hated it! Then one day, a year or two later, I got curious about it again and she showed me a second time and I’ve been doing it ever since. I am glad she taught you again.
Is there a story behind your shop name and if so what is it? It’s just a funny name. I can be a scatterbrain so Knitwit was the best name I came up with! It’s funny too because I mostly crochet; go figure! Haha, that is great.
When did you start selling online? I opened my Etsy shop in 2014 but didn’t make a sale until recently actually! When it first opened, I wasn’t sure what I was doing or how to go about anything so I shy’d away from it and just stuck to selling them to family, friends and local craft fairs.
And What drew you to sell online? There’s a huge market for it now, so why not. You can still sell to everyone that you currently are, you just open your range more. There is a large market. That is great you are giving it a go.
What do you like most about selling online and what do you like least? It’s cool to meet so many cool people! Whether they’re just commenting or complimenting your work or giving you advice, this community is by far one of the best! Everyone is so supportive, motivational, and inspiring! I love it. And honestly, what I think it so cute, is that it’s yours. It’s up to you with what happens, how things are done, how things are planned and presented! I like these things too.
What hopes do you have for your business in the future? That it picks up more. Like I had mentioned already, I’ve only recently made my first Etsy sale so hopefully, that will get the ball going. I hope that the holiday season will pick things up for you as for sales on Etsy.
What is your most favorite piece that you have made? My Rainy Day Afghan blanket. I’ve thought about just keeping it for myself (tbh) but.. that hasn’t happened (yet). It is hard sometimes to let go of our favorite pieces. I definitely get that.
What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business? Just go for it! What do you have to lose? You might just end up back where you started you could be so much further along than you ever expected! It’s worth a shot, for sure. This is very true. Thanks for sharing Kate.
You can find Kate at these social media links:
Instagram: knitwit_kate
Facebook: facebook.com/knitwitkate
Tumblr: Knitwit-kate
Etsy: etsy.com/shop/knitwitkate
Upcoming Events:
Currently: Giveaway on my Facebook Page. Facebook.com/mtnittanycreationswith my friend Laure from Un anniversaire en or. Head on over and check it out.
Nov 6-14
Lydia's Guild Holiday Craft Market.
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