Hi, Friends! How are you? We have had a fun week with our Instagram giveaway. Have you entered yet? Make sure you head over to our feed and enter. The giveaway goes until Saturday night May 6 at 10 pm EST.
We have had the privilege to interview another great small shop maker, Maggie Murray from Diversified Designs NC.
Maggie is originally from the foothills near Blowing Rock, NC and currently, lives in the middle of the state near Greensboro.
When asked "How long have you been crafting?" She shared the following "Really, my whole life I'd venture to say! Always making something out of nothing or painting things on the walls or canvases. My parents instilled in me that making things was far better than buying them in a store. We always made gifts instead of buying them. Love that about my family." That is really neat Maggie that your parents did that for you.
I asked Maggie to share what drew her to her particular craft. Maggie said "When I'm out with my mother and we see something, we always say 'we can make that!' So the event that really sticks out in my mind was at a farmers market last summer, saw a few booths and I just knew I could do it too. So, I had some tools and started making things and really hit it hard on social media and bam!!! A little side business was born."
Maggie just started selling on-line in January 2017. Maggie has a technology background and is always shopping online. She finds that selling online is an easy way to get her stuff out for the world to see. Maggie uses Etsy. She told me that it has been neat to learn and she is getting better as she goes.
When asked what hopes she has for the future of her business? She shared the following "I just want to keep having fun with building things and doing custom orders for people. It makes my heart soar when I hear that clients love their creations. I want to do festivals and continue to meet awesome people as I go. It is so fun that it makes your heart soar when your customers love your creations.
I asked Maggie "What is your most favorite piece that you have made?" She commented "A piece of barn wood with two silhouettes of birds made from pallet wood with twine as their resting spot. It's just the most beautiful thing and it came from a thought and then I just made it. So neat how that happens!" That is neat how that happens Maggie. Thanks for sharing.
When asked" What is one thing you would love to share with others who are considering going into the handmade business?" Maggies shared this "Find what you love and do it. It's easy to work super hard on something after an 8-5 job when you absolutely love what you're making. That's the biggest thing. If I hated woodworking, then I wouldn't get so pumped up to get home to work another 4 hours on top of my 'real work day'. It's so rewarding and fun. Oh, yes. Always keep it fun! :)"
Thank you, Maggie, for sharing about yourself, your business and sharing some great advice. May we all be so blessed to love what we do.
You can find Maggies Shop Diversified Designs NC at the following places online.
Instagram: @diversifieddesignsnc
Facebook: diversified designs NC
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