Chocolate chip! Blog-tember challenge day 21.

Happy day 21 of the Blog-tember Challenge. Today, I was challenged to answer the question "If you were a flavor of ice cream what would you be and why?"

I would be chocolate chip! Why? Well for one its my favorite flavor. I absolutely love chocolate chip. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I wish I could have some but sadly with my disease I am on a special diet which means no ice cream or chocolate. Anyhow, most people like vanilla ice cream and most people like chocolate, so the combination is perfection. I desire to be one of those people that a variety of people like. So I would like to be a good combination of things in life that's wide group of people will like me. The vanilla people, the chocolate people and the combo people.

What flavor of ice creams would you be and why?

Happy Blog-tember!

What I wish people believed! Blog-tember challenge day 20!

Today's topic is something you wish more people knew or believed. I have had to think long and hard about this topic.  It wasn't something that quickly came to mind. As I was pondering it during yoga last night, what came to mind was to focus on something that I struggle with believing or knowing. I can sometimes think the worst of a situation or person. And I fear this of others when I think about what others may think of me. I see it coming out in my kids that they think the worst of a person or situation, that they, as well as myself, don't take the time to think the best of a situation or even to seek out what's really going on. As I was praying this morning God shared with me Colossians 3:12.
So what I wish others knew or believed comes directly from this verse. That they, along with myself would have compassionate hearts, kindness, meekness and patience. That I, along with others would take the time to think the best of others and situations before acting.

What do you wish others knew or believed?
Happy blog-tember!

These are a few of my favorite blog posts! Happy Blog-tember Challenge day 19

Hope you are enjoying this blogging challenge as much as I am. Today's is a hard challenge for me, because even though I have had this blog since 2007 I haven't done too much with it until recently.
When I first started to blog, I used it to share about what was happening with our family. Because we moved away from all of our family I was trying to find a way to share about what was happening. At this time Facebook was only used by students and if there was Twitter, or Instagram or anything like these I didn't know about it at the time.
Here is an early post that I wrote that will give you an idea:
around and about the house

Some of the posts that I really like are the ones where I dig deeper and talk about what God is teaching me.
Just a Taste

One of my most popular posts was one that I posted for Invisible Illness week. I hope to do a post for that again this year. I really liked this because it gave me a chance to share a part of me that is really hard to share.
30 Things about My Illness That You May Not Know

This past year I have been working hard on trying to find my niche and blogging more. I have tried to write a post about once a week and then picked up in June and July as I put on my first ever crafting challenge. The posts from this last year have been the most fun for me to write. I really enjoyed doing the craft challenge and hope to do more of these here soon. Here is a link from one of the challenges.
25 Days of Christmas Crafting in July Craft Challenge

My iPad has changed my life! Blog-tember challenge day 18!

Hope that this finds all of you well. We have had a crazy last two days. Our three year old son fell on Friday and broke his arm. It was one of those crazy "I'm running on adrenaline" experiences. Thankfully, they took great care of him at the hospital and he almost seems himself again.

Needless to say, I was unable to do day 17's challenge.

For today's challenge I am to tell you about a product that simplifies my life, it is my iPad. I hardly go anywhere with out it now. There is so much I am able to do on it that I don't have to sit at my computer as regularly as I used to. This really helps me because of my disease. I am often tired and in pain and just need to lay down, so I didn't get much work on the computer done. With the iPad, I can lay on the couch and write my blog posts, catch up on email, connect on social media and more. In addition, it helps when I take my three year old with me to various appointments.  There are a wealth of apps that he can play. There are so many more ways that the iPad has helped I have only named a few. 

What product has simplified your life?

Here's to hoping you are having a quieter weekend then we are! 

We are having our grand opening for our ETSY shop in one week.

Visit our Facebook page and make a comment in the product pictures you like for a chance to win a 20% off coupon. One winner will be chosen on 9/24/16

How I chill! Blog-tember challenge day 16!

Today Bailey blog asks us answering the question "How do you de-stress/take care of yourself?"
There are several things that I do to de-stress/take care of myself:

1. I love going to the local cafe in our little town and just sit in the corner comfy seat with my feet up and read my Bible and/or a book, pray and catch up on my on-line to do's. Of course, I sip my cup of tea. They have a wonderful selection of tea leaves that you can brew. To be away from home and not have my responsibilities to think about allows me the introspective time that I thrive on and recharge.

2. I love yoga, especially restorative and slow flow yoga. With my health, I can't do any heavy cardio or high impact workouts. I have found that these types of yoga really work well for me. They help me stretch out muscles that get overly tight from my disease and help me keep moving during the week.

3. I also really enjoy making crafts, particularly jewelry. I have started taking some jewelry classes at Michaels, and it has been really fun learning some new techniques and spending time with my girls. To be able to create something with my hands brings such joy to my heart. This is one of the reasons that we thought of opening an ETSY shop. We almost have everything set up. Watch out for a Grand Opening really soon. Who knew there was so much to go into starting a crafting business online.

4. I adore reading. When I was a kid, I would spend hours sitting and reading during the summer. I don't have that kind of dedicated time anymore but still really love to read.

5. I also enjoy watching Netflix. I am so thankful we have it, particularly on the days when I am not feeling well and just unable to read or do much of anything. I enjoy being able to watch through all the seasons of a show and watch the story unfold and not have to wait week by week to find out what happens.

How do you de-stress/take care of yourself? I would love to hear from you.

Happy Blog-tember!

My craziest adventure! Blog-tember challenge day 15

Today's challenge, I am to answer the question: What is the craziest adventure I have been on?

Honestly, I don't know if I have been on any "crazy" adventures. I guess it is in how you define the term "crazy".  How do you define crazy?

When I think crazy, I think of adventures all over the world seeing things you have never done or seen before. I have been abroad, but none of it would I consider crazy. My travels have mainly been some of your typical tourist things. One non-tourist activity I participated in was while I was on a missions trip to Mexico. On that trip, we taught our Mexican friends from the UNAM how to play capture the flag in a park outside Mexico City. This was a pretty crazy adventure. 

Another adventure that comes to mind is a spring trip. I used to work for my campus' (shout out to Bloomsburg University) outdoor company. We would take trips south for all kinds of adventures. These trips included, but were not limited to, white water rafting, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, night hikes and other outdoor adventures. 

On one of these Spring Break Trips, I was acting as a boat guide on the Chattooga River, I had a nasty spill out of my boat and sprained both of my wrists. Calling for an emergency room trip and all. The sprained wrists left me unable to paddle the rest of the trip. The next day, we headed down a river with class 4 and 5 rapids. I had to ride in the lead boat with my boss paddling our rig. If you don't know much about white water rafting, one thing to know is that the best way to stay in the boat is to keep paddling. I wasn't paddling because of my wrists, so I got as low in the boat as I could as not to fall out. Both my boss and I had done this rapid previously but the water level always changes how the river flows. This particular rapid, called Bulls Sluice, was one you had to hit it just right or you could get caught in the backlash of the rapid and continuously go around and around. In the video right where the people fall out of their raft is "decapitator rock"

We approached the rapid, and we were in the right line to go over, but something happened and we went over the wrong side of the ledge. This capsized our raft sending us swimming. Our friends weren't sure if I was ok because I didn't pop up again until further down the river. I thank the Lord that the rapid spat me back out, but it could have been a very dangerous situation. Needless to say, all the other boats followed after us and made it over with no complications. 

So to many this kind of trip would be considered a crazy trip. Tell us about your own crazy adventure!

Happy Blog-tember!

Mood board! Happy Blog-tember challenge day 14!

Hello my friends! Thanks for joining us on day 14 of this challenge!

It means a lot to have you join me in this journey. Today's challenge is creating a mood board, a brainstorming picture chart. Other then God, homeschooling, homemaking, being a mom I spend lots of time thinking about making jewelry and starting up our ETSY shop sometime really soon. We are just waiting on some legal paperwork ;-)  I decided to make my mood board about my jewelry.

Happy Blog-tember!

A day in the life of someone else! Blog-tember challenge day 13

Today's challenge is an interesting one, if I could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be and why?

As I have thought about it there is no one particular person who I would like to switch lives with for a day. But on the other hand I would love to switch lives with someone who is healthy for a day, take on someone's health, their energy, ability to do several things in one day to be free of pain.

I suffer from a rare autoimmune disease, which leaves me tired and in pain most days. To be able to have a day where I don't have to spend half the day on the couch, have enough energy to homeschool the kids, take care of my home and do other things would be such a blessing. Don't get me wrong God has worked hard on my heart to have me to be content in my life, but to have a day free of the constraints of my disease would be a blessing. 

Is there someone who you would like to be for a day? And if so why? 
Happy Blog-tember!

Books, Books, Books: Blog-tember Challenge Day 12

Today's challenge calls for me to tell you about three books: one that I just read, one I am currently reading and one that I want to read!

1. I just finished two books actually! The Praying Life and Tomorrow's Garden. I enjoyed both of them. The Praying Life was really good and challenged how I think and do prayer. I really loved how Paul interlaced the book with his own life. His story is truly amazing and really impacted me.

Tomorrow's Garden is a Christian Historical Romance, which I love to read books like this. Books where I can just enjoy the story, have a happy ending and don't have to think too much. It gives my brain a break. There were some really nice characters in this book and it was a fun story line.

2. One that I am currently reading, I am normally reading several books at a time. Not only do I try to read my Bible on a daily basis but I am also reading Everyday Worship, my spiritual/personal growth book and just about to start A Passion Denied, my fiction relaxing story book.

3. What I want to read. I have several books lying around and on my nook and kindle app. I am not totally sure what I will read next, probably a book I received from a friend Joni & Ken, an Untold Love Story written by Joni Erickson Tada.

What books did you just finish, what are you reading and what do you want to read? I would love to hear your thoughts. I love to read!

Happy Blog-tember!

Instagramers you should follow! Blog-tember challenge day 11

Today's Blog-tember challenge is to introduce you to some Instagram followers that I enjoy following. I am still pretty new to Instagram and I am still making friends and meeting people :).
But I  will give this challenge a try. 

Danielle Walker @queenbeejewels
We haven't met, but have been chatting back and forth through Instagram encouraging each other along the journey. She has some really unique and colorful pieces of jewelry she is selling through shopify. If you have a chance look her up. :)

Tanya Warren @tanya47
Tanya has been a great social network supporter. We met through Twitter and have started following each other on Instagram now. She makes these adorable crocheted animals, blankets and clothes. Check her out as well as her ETSY shop.

Sara Magarahan @sarascriptdesigns
I've known Sara for many years now. We used to go to church together in the philly area. She makes these really cute signs. Go and check them out!

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday and that you had a great weekend.
Happy blog-tember!

A day in the life of moi! Blog-tember challenge day 10!

Yesterday's challenge makes me think of the Beetles song A Day in the Life. 
Check it out on YouTube

Particularly this verse stands out to me.

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream

Read more:  Beatles - A Day In The Life Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Each day I wake up, thankfully I don't often fall out of bed. 
Since it was Saturday I slept a little longer :)...
Got ready for the day and headed out to have breakfast by 7:30 with these great guys!

This is fairly normal during the week too... As we have to get our little guy on his school van around 8ish. But Saturday's I get the privilege of some me time. I head out to the cafe in our tiny town around  8ish. Also, Monday through Friday around 8 is when the other kids emerge for breakfast and then onto a morning of homeschooling! 

I love chilling at the Lemont Cafe. If you live in the area come check it out! 
Here I am enjoying Gods word, a cup of tea, and some time to think!
After my down time I head to our post office. Because we live in such a small town, we have to pick up our mail each day. Then I headed home to get ready for the rest of the day!

We gathered up the kids ate some food and snacks and then headed out to the Target parking lot for the safety fair! Ee had fun with fire trucks, police cars, a smoke houses down all kinds of stuff!
We ran into Target to get a birthday gift and then took the three olders to a party. Our little guy, husband and I headed to SAMs for our weekly trip. Our little guy was so sad to leave his siblings.
After Sams we headed home for "rest time" for the little guy and I and the hubby mowing.
Here I am chilling on the couch, watching Netflix and checking my social networks on the iPad.
Shortly later my hubby went to get the kids and our friend arrived to watch the kids while we went on a much needed date night!

Here is our friend hanging with the kids earlier this week.

I love this guy so much... I'm so glad we got to hang out tonight!
We had dinner at Red Lobster, went to BestBuy and Michaels and because we are getting "old" we were tired so we headed home around 8:30.
At home we chatted with our friend and then enjoyed our nightly routine of homemade smoothies and a little Netflix. Some nights if I am up for it I work on some craft project for our soon to be ETSY shop!

Tonight I am up late because I am experiencing some pain from my disease, MCTD, and just can't sleep... So here I am posting my blog challenge late, watching some Netflix and hoping for some sleep to come. Ahh the life with a chronic illness. Happy weekend and Blogtember challenge!

If I Could Go Anywhere in the World... Blog-tember challenge day 9

This is a tough question. There is so much out there that I would love to see. But alas I am limited by my health, so we don't travel far from home too often. This past year though we went and visited friends and family in Texas and that was a lot of fun.

One place I have always dreamed of visiting is Prince Edward Island. I adore the Anne of Green Gables book series and the first two movies in the series but I only tolerate the third just because I love Anne so much.

To see the places that inspired the story would be so much fun and I hear that it is just gorgeous there as well.
From Wikimedia
One other place we hope to visit soon is Paris for our 15th wedding anniversary. Praying and hoping that the Lord will make this possible in the next couple years.

Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?

A glimpse of our home! Blog-tember challenge 2016 day 8!

Happy day 8 of the blog-tember challenge.

Today, I will be giving you a glimpse of our home. I am only going to share two rooms since our kids are in bed and I don't want to disturb them.

We live in a 1970's raised ranch in central PA. We have three bedrooms, open space area kitchen, dining room, living room... We live on the side of a mountain and just love being able to see the peak from our back windows and yard!

Our messy living room... Still working on getting laundry done! One of my favorite things is the quilt hanging on the wall behind the couch. It's made of old wedding saris and is a great conversation piece.

Here's our kitchen, my dear sweet husband is making our daily smoothies!

Five things that bring me joy! Happy Blog-tember Challenge Day 7.

1. The Lord!!! I couldn't do life without Him. Life would hold very little meaning. My sin would way me down and my struggles would seem endless and pointless.

2. My husband! I can't imagine my life without him. The way he loves me and our kids is beautiful. I am amazingly blessed.
My dear sweet husband
Our precious family!
3. My children! I love each and every one of them dearly. They bring such joy and life to me.

Photo Session with my husbands family!
4. My family! My parents, brother, and in-laws are all great. I only had one brother growing up but have been so blessed to gain three sisters, two more brothers, two nephews a niece and a fur niece.They have walked through so much with us and continue to do so. We are so blessed.

Thanksgiving at my folks!

5. My friends. We have some of the greatest friends in the world. Since we are missionaries, we moved away from what was familiar to a new town. But we gained some of the greatest friends through our church and ministry. God does so much through them to show us how much he cares for us and loves us.
Dinner with some of our dearest friends!

My Playlist! Happy Blog-tember Challenge Day 6

Hello, Friends!
Hope this finds you well and that you enjoyed your labor day weekend. Today for the challenge, I am to create a playlist. For my playlist, I am including links to some of my favorites songs!
I am really looking forward to seeing some of the lists that other's post. I may meet up with some new artists that I didn't know existed! Happy Blog-tember!

My most memorable birthday! Happy Blog-tember challenge day 5!

I am really enjoying this challenge. I hope you are too.
What is your most favorable birthday?

There are many birthday memories that I love. In our second year of marriage, we took a babymoon before our first child was born and we went to Maine over my birthday! That was a lot of fun.

Our lunch date!
But the one I want to write about is last years. My dear sweet husband took the day off from work and set it up that we could go on a lunch date to one of my favorite restaurants, Red Lobster. It was such a sweet surprise and I felt so loved. In addition, some of my girlfriends and I went out to a place called "The Makery", and took a jewelry making class together. It was so fun and was what set my love for making jewelry off. I went out and started buying supplies and making stuff for friends and family. I also got addicted to pinning jewelry on Pinterest. Now almost a year later I am working on setting up a craft store on ETSY, which features mostly jewelry. God works in wonderful ways, doesn't he?

At The Makery!
One of my most recent creations!
Tell me about your most fond birthday memories. I am hoping that this year will be another year to remember because in a month I turn the big 4-0. 😬
Happy blog-tember!

I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.