What I wish people believed! Blog-tember challenge day 20!

Today's topic is something you wish more people knew or believed. I have had to think long and hard about this topic.  It wasn't something that quickly came to mind. As I was pondering it during yoga last night, what came to mind was to focus on something that I struggle with believing or knowing. I can sometimes think the worst of a situation or person. And I fear this of others when I think about what others may think of me. I see it coming out in my kids that they think the worst of a person or situation, that they, as well as myself, don't take the time to think the best of a situation or even to seek out what's really going on. As I was praying this morning God shared with me Colossians 3:12.
So what I wish others knew or believed comes directly from this verse. That they, along with myself would have compassionate hearts, kindness, meekness and patience. That I, along with others would take the time to think the best of others and situations before acting.

What do you wish others knew or believed?
Happy blog-tember!

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I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.