A glimpse of our home! Blog-tember challenge 2016 day 8!

Happy day 8 of the blog-tember challenge.

Today, I will be giving you a glimpse of our home. I am only going to share two rooms since our kids are in bed and I don't want to disturb them.

We live in a 1970's raised ranch in central PA. We have three bedrooms, open space area kitchen, dining room, living room... We live on the side of a mountain and just love being able to see the peak from our back windows and yard!

Our messy living room... Still working on getting laundry done! One of my favorite things is the quilt hanging on the wall behind the couch. It's made of old wedding saris and is a great conversation piece.

Here's our kitchen, my dear sweet husband is making our daily smoothies!

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.