What are you up to? Blog-tember Challenge day 4.

What are you up to? I wasn't super creative so I took what Bailey Jean did on her blog and put in my own answers. Thanks for the example Bailey Jean.

Reading... Everyday Worship and Tomorrow's Garden
Playing... catch up on life... there is so much to do around our home, it doesn't seem to come to an end.
Watching... The X Files, on my own and Death in Paradise and Fuller House with my sweet husband!
Trying... to get caught up on my homeschool prep and get our new ETSY shop off the ground...my mind is swirling!
Cooking... food my family hopefully will enjoy and then special diet food for me.
Eating... food compliant with the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)
Drinking... Tea, tea, water and kombucha tea...love my tea :)
Calling... not too many people, I text more often...but for now doctors and others I need to make appointments with.
Texting... my dear friends, hubby and my kids friends moms!
Pinning... jewelry ideas, crafting ideas for the next challenge and anything that strikes mine or my daughters fancy. We love to lay on the couch and go through pinterest together on the iPad :)
Tweeting... with my new network of twitter friends, trying to gain a following in prep to launch our new ETSY shop.
Going... to various appointments and meetings, mostly for my kids :) Mom's taxi service.
Loving... spending time with Jesus and praying through a 40 day prayer challenge for our kids.
Hating... having an autoimmune disease that limits all the stuff that I can do.
Discovering... my love for Instagram...I am addicted!
Thinking... about the next steps in getting my ETSY shop off the ground and what to do for the next crafting challenge.
Feeling... like I could sleep and sleep and sleep...
Hoping (for)... a week where I can accomplish much without a lot of pain or tiredness.
Listening (to)... the christian radio station in the van and the Two Towers on CD with the kids also in the van.
Celebrating... in a month my 40th birthday :)
Ordering... packaging, labels and all kinds of things for our ETSY shop.
Thanking... All my friends and family who have been such a great support as I walk through life having a chronic disease.
Considering... what to do next to help our kids and get our ETSY shop off the ground!
Starting... to plan posts for The Blog-tember Challenge! And working on homeschool stuff and our ETSY shop stuff....
Finishing... not sure at the moment...maybe past projects!

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.