All about me! Blog-tember Challenge Day 1.

Hi, all! My name is Amber and I am joining in on a challenge, Blog-tember (link at the bottom), where I will try and blog each day, answering the challenges that Bailey Jean posts. 

Day # 1 we are to introduce ourselves. So here we go:

I am a stay at home mom of four sweet kids. They range in age from 11 down to 3. I have been homeschooling since my oldest was a wee one. I love homeschooling. It is so fun to watch the kids grow and learn. Our youngest has some special needs so starting next week he will be going to a special preschool four days a week. I am a little nervous about putting our youngest on a small bus and that he is the first of our kids to go to school.

Over four years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, MCTD. This really limits what I can do in a day or in a week. Most days are spent with me being in pain and tired. For over a year, I have been on a special diet, autoimmune protocol (AIP), in hopes to reduce my symptoms and delay the progress of my disease.

I love to travel, but I also love Pennsylvania. I grew up in the Philly area and now live in central PA. I have had the chance to travel the US, going cross country several times. I have also been in other countries. One of my favorites was Mexico.

My husband and I are missionaries with DiscipleMakers, a ministry that seeks to make disciples on college campuses. Come check out our web page:

Our sweet family!

I love crafting. Recently I have taken on a love for jewelry making and have been working on stocking an ETSY shop which I hope to open this month. We hope to also sell crafts that will raise money for a nonprofit that is raising money to study my disease, Hope4MCTD.

Come check us out on:
Twitter: @scottaenator 
Pinterest: scottaenator
I am looking forward to getting the opportunity to meet other bloggers and share more of myself. Blessings!
Our new logo created by Becky MacDonald.
One of our bracelets in our shop!

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.