My iPad has changed my life! Blog-tember challenge day 18!

Hope that this finds all of you well. We have had a crazy last two days. Our three year old son fell on Friday and broke his arm. It was one of those crazy "I'm running on adrenaline" experiences. Thankfully, they took great care of him at the hospital and he almost seems himself again.

Needless to say, I was unable to do day 17's challenge.

For today's challenge I am to tell you about a product that simplifies my life, it is my iPad. I hardly go anywhere with out it now. There is so much I am able to do on it that I don't have to sit at my computer as regularly as I used to. This really helps me because of my disease. I am often tired and in pain and just need to lay down, so I didn't get much work on the computer done. With the iPad, I can lay on the couch and write my blog posts, catch up on email, connect on social media and more. In addition, it helps when I take my three year old with me to various appointments.  There are a wealth of apps that he can play. There are so many more ways that the iPad has helped I have only named a few. 

What product has simplified your life?

Here's to hoping you are having a quieter weekend then we are! 

We are having our grand opening for our ETSY shop in one week.

Visit our Facebook page and make a comment in the product pictures you like for a chance to win a 20% off coupon. One winner will be chosen on 9/24/16

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.