A day in the life of moi! Blog-tember challenge day 10!

Yesterday's challenge makes me think of the Beetles song A Day in the Life. 
Check it out on YouTube

Particularly this verse stands out to me.

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream

Read more:  Beatles - A Day In The Life Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Each day I wake up, thankfully I don't often fall out of bed. 
Since it was Saturday I slept a little longer :)...
Got ready for the day and headed out to have breakfast by 7:30 with these great guys!

This is fairly normal during the week too... As we have to get our little guy on his school van around 8ish. But Saturday's I get the privilege of some me time. I head out to the cafe in our tiny town around  8ish. Also, Monday through Friday around 8 is when the other kids emerge for breakfast and then onto a morning of homeschooling! 

I love chilling at the Lemont Cafe. If you live in the area come check it out! 
Here I am enjoying Gods word, a cup of tea, and some time to think!
After my down time I head to our post office. Because we live in such a small town, we have to pick up our mail each day. Then I headed home to get ready for the rest of the day!

We gathered up the kids ate some food and snacks and then headed out to the Target parking lot for the safety fair! Ee had fun with fire trucks, police cars, a smoke houses down all kinds of stuff!
We ran into Target to get a birthday gift and then took the three olders to a party. Our little guy, husband and I headed to SAMs for our weekly trip. Our little guy was so sad to leave his siblings.
After Sams we headed home for "rest time" for the little guy and I and the hubby mowing.
Here I am chilling on the couch, watching Netflix and checking my social networks on the iPad.
Shortly later my hubby went to get the kids and our friend arrived to watch the kids while we went on a much needed date night!

Here is our friend hanging with the kids earlier this week.

I love this guy so much... I'm so glad we got to hang out tonight!
We had dinner at Red Lobster, went to BestBuy and Michaels and because we are getting "old" we were tired so we headed home around 8:30.
At home we chatted with our friend and then enjoyed our nightly routine of homemade smoothies and a little Netflix. Some nights if I am up for it I work on some craft project for our soon to be ETSY shop!

Tonight I am up late because I am experiencing some pain from my disease, MCTD, and just can't sleep... So here I am posting my blog challenge late, watching some Netflix and hoping for some sleep to come. Ahh the life with a chronic illness. Happy weekend and Blogtember challenge!

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I won a box of paint. Come join me as I unbox a box of paint from DecoArt.

I am super excited to have won paint from DecoArt paints!! check out my unboxing video.